South Africa: Chris Hani's Killer Janusz Walus Walks Away

7 December 2022

After 28 years, the man who looked Chris Hani in the eyes and fired the gun that ended the life of the SACP leader, has walked free.

Janusz Walus was discharged from prison and released on parole on Wednesday 7 December.

Walus was convicted for murdering Hani in 1993. Many believe Hani's assassination threatened to end peace negotiations and drove the nation to the brink of civil war.

Walus had been receiving treatment in prison after he was stabbed by a fellow inmate last week.

He spent over 28 years behind bars for the murder.

In a statement, Justice and Correctional Services minister Ronald Lamola said Walus has been released from prison under strict conditions.

The news of his impending release two weeks ago got the whole country talking and divided many.

In a landmark ruling, Chief Justice Raymond Zondo gave the Department of Justice and Correctional Services 10 days to release Walus.

The 10 days had lapsed but because Walus was in hospital, he wasn't released.

The Constitutional Court set aside Lamola's March 2020 decision to refuse Walus parole. Lamola was also ordered to pay Walus's costs.

Walus, who is originally from Poland, had his South African citizenship revoked in 2017.

Last week the Home Affairs Department said it had granted Walus a permanent residency for the parole period and conditions to be decided by the minister of justice and correctional services.

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