Kenya Export Promotion and Branding Agency Recognised for Export Trade Support Role in Avocado Sector

11 December 2022

Nairobi — The Kenya Export Promotion and Branding Agency (KEPROBA) has been awarded for its leading role in supporting export trade in the Avocado sector. The agency was crowned the best trade support agency by the Avacado Society of Kenya during the Avocado Industry Excellence Awards dinner held in Nairobi.

The Agency has been instrumental in facilitating growth in the sector by initiating marketing and promotional activities both locally and internationally, to facilitate increased market consumption and visibility of the country's key products. Kenya Export Promotion and Branding Agency in March 2019 facilitated the Chinese phytosanitary inspectors visit to Kenya to conduct to undertake a Pest Risk Analysis (PRA). The inspectors witnessed the processing of frozen avocados at Sunripe Naivasha and as a result Kenya became the first African nation to export frozen avocados to China's 1.4 billion people market.

The Agency also played a critical role in facilitating the Fresh Avocado export to China, by initiating capacity building sessions for farmers to meet the stringent phytosanitary standards, training them on export procedures and rules of origin, leading to market penetration of Kenyan fresh avocado to Shanghai. As a result, China has opened doors for 15 Kenyan avocado farms that met the required export regulations hence becoming Africa's leading Avocado exporter.

Having facilitated the Avocado export to China, the Kenya Export Promotion and Branding Agency has been actively sourcing for alternative avocado markets to capitalize on Kenya's avocado demand. The agency recently facilitated a visit by Malaysian Phytosanitary inspectors to undertake a Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) on Kenyan Avocado with the aim of opening new export avenues into Malaysia.

Currently, the Kenya Export Promotion and Branding Agency is part of the agencies implementing the Business Environment and Export Enhancement Programme (BEEEP). This is a European Union (EU) funded programme delivered by TradeMark East Africa (TMEA) in collaboration with key stake holders in the export sector, which seeks to enhance exports of Kenyan avocados, mangoes and vegetables to selected markets in Africa, Europe, Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)and Asia in line with the Agency's priority markets. BEEEP Project is expected to contribute towards this national trade agenda through stimulating export growth in the following three priority value chains namely Avocados, Mangoes and Vegetables while also promoting youth and women engagement in Kenya's development agenda.

Speaking during the awards, State Department for Crops Development & Agriculture Research, PS Kello Harsama, said "As the government, we are committed towards supporting the avocado sector and farmers of Kenya so that they can have more money in their pockets. As a Ministry, our doors are wide open to all the stakeholders in the agriculture sector, we are here to support a rapid market growth for our produce. We appreciate all the efforts by the government agencies and their commitment to supporting this sector. Because of our commitment as the government, other countries are now coming to Nairobi to benchmark the quality of avocado we supply to the world".

"The entry of China as a key avocado destination is a game changer for the more than 4 million Kenyans who directly or indirectly depend on it and the avocado sector. Kenya Export Promotion and Branding Agency is embracing the challenges and looking beyond Kenya's traditional export markets in Europe and the Gulf region. The agency is actively looking for alternate markets like Malaysia, Germany, South Korea, USA and Canada that will fully revolutionize fresh fruits, flowers and vegetables exports post covid-19 era." Said Dr. Wilfred Marube, the Kenya Export Promotion and Branding Agency CEO while acknowledging the agency's recognition.

The Kenya Promotion and Branding Agency is keen on enhancing value addition of Kenyan fresh produce through product development to increase product diversification and market penetration of avocados, flowers, vegetables, mangoes, tea and coffee in European, Gulf region and Asian markets while also conducting market intelligence on African nations with the aim of exploiting the opportunities presented by the Africa Continental Free Trade Area. (AfCFTA).

In the 3 months leading to October 2022, Kenya exported Kshs 7 billion worth of avocados to China, further cementing the Asian nation as a key market for fresh and frozen Kenyan avocados. According to Statista estimates, the market value of avocado in 2022 is $15.5 billion. Kenya's key avocado markets are; Europe, UK, US, and Middle East; in emerging markets: Russia, South Korea, France, and Australia. Our biggest competitors are; Mexico, Peru, Isreal, South Africa, India and South America.

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