Uganda: Pentecostals Converge at Wankulukuku to Pray to Restore Country's Sanity

13 December 2022

Pentecostals across the country have started flocking Wankulukuku stadium to pray for the country's revival and restoration set for today, December, 13 to Thursday 15.

Addressing journalists on Monday, the organiser of the prayer conference, Apostle Ronald Hope Witness from Full Knowledge of God International Ministries, Zzana emphasized that the crusade is aimed at praying for the country.

"This is a worldwide call upon our nation. God called all nations to serve him in the book of prophet Isaiah 41: 4 but now in these later days, He has called Uganda to lift up a banner and blow a trumpet calling upon all nations to come back and serve God according to Isaiah 18: 1-3. Uganda is a country biblically, historically and prophetically called to blow a trumpet calling upon all nations to serve God and prepare them for the second coming of Jesus Christ," he said.

He noted that as the country's motto of 'for God and my country' says, Ugandans ought to pledge to pay allegiance to God .

The man of God said this is the reason for praying to God tirelessly and charismatically to revive everything in Uganda and also restore sanity in the country.

"We are calling upon all of Ugandans to join us here to call upon God to refresh, revive and restore all things in the country including the church, health, education, health, political system, social sector, games, security system, sports, music and the entire entertainment sector and the entire system of the world."

He added that the doors will be opened at 2pm and end at middle night whereas food, drinks and shelter will be provided for those from upcountry.

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