Uganda: Speaker, Two Brothers Under Arrest, After Kidnap of "Wife's Lover" Goes Horribly Wrong

13 December 2022

The speaker of Amolator district has been arrested alongside his two brothers for suspicion of being behind the kidnap and murder of a man thought to have had an affair with his wife.

The speaker Patrick Ajok and his two brothers are identified as Denis Otim and Isaac Opio all from Amolatar district are in police custody in Kampala.

According to police, the trio abducted a one Kenneth Ayo on October 8, 2022. from Kampala and had since caused his disappearance, a case that has been under investigation since then.

"When we received this complaint about this man at Kagugube under Wandegeya, we instituted inquiries and we noticed that the district speaker was following up Kenneth Ayo whom he said was having an intimate relationship with his wife," police spokesperson Fred Enanga told the press in Kampala.

He revealed that the police established that the victim Keneth was abducted around Gaddafi mosque in Kampala, they tied him and started to transport him to Amolatar while torturing him.

"They had a spanner which they used to hit him but unfortunately he succumbed to the injuries. So they decided to get body from the car and buried it in one of the bushes in Nakasongola district," he said.

When the police arrested the suspects , it is said that they confessed to committing the crime an led the police detectives and flying squad team to the scene where they buried the body in Wabigalo, Nakasongola district along Kampala-Gulu highway.

The body was exhumed and transported to Mulago hospital mortuary for post-mortem.

Enanga said that the investigations have been concluded and confirmed that the trio are still in custody at Wandegeya police station in Kampala waiting to face charges of murder and kidnap with intent to murder.

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