Tanzania: New Ukerewe ICU to Start Operations This Month

Mwanza — THE only Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in Ukerewe District constructed at at Bwisya Hospital in Ukara Island is set to start operations this month.

The construction of the ICU unit that kicked-off in April this year has reached t 99 per cent with 180m/- being spent for the work.

"The construction work is almost complete ... we are finalizing few things including putting vents on doors. The department will become operational starting December 20th this year month," said the Doctor in Charge at the hospital Alex Sibona.

He added that, there are other major improvements underway at the hospital among others installation of radiology imaging machines such as x-ray.

He further clarified that about 250m/- was set aside for the ICU, but only 180m/- has been spent. He said the remaining amount will be used for construction of houses for medical personnel at the hospital.

The house, whose construction is at initial stage, will be completed in the near future, he said.

"The house will accommodate three families... these are government efforts towards improving the services at the hospital," he said.

Ukara residents, including Mr William Lubango, commended the government for improving health services at his area, adding that it will help to attend emergency cases especially at night.

The residents had no alternative but only to have a dhow-ride to Ukerewe Town in Nansio to access the services, he said.

"Naturally, a dhow trip is dangerous at night, but it becomes worse when there are serious winds on Lake Victoria," he said.

Ukerewe District Council's Director (DED), Mr Emmanuel Sherembi, commented that improving social services in rural areas is one of the government's priorities.

He said that historically, Bwisya was a dispensary in which the government upgraded it to District Hospital to improve provision of services to the residents of Ukara and neighboring islands.

Generally, he added, President Samia Suluhu Hassan has disbursed a total of over 14.3b/- since she assumed power for implementation of various development projects in the District.

The projects implemented from March to October this year based on health, education, economy, construction and environment sectors.

"All projects are almost complete and in use," he said, adding that the council has been also channeling its domestic revenues to support the central government.

Igalla Health Center is among the projects that have been implemented by domestic revenues, according to the DED, at a tune of 490m/-

According to the Daily News observation, the Center is composed of among others, laboratory, surgery, wards, mortuary and out-patient buildings.

It is set to serve of 17,368 Igalla Ward residents, the Doctor-in-Charge, Mr Jeremiah Katwale, said.

"Currently we provide services to the out-patients, inpatient services are set to kick-off by the end of this month," he said.

Kisenyi Street Resident in Igalla Ward, Mr Kalinya Michael, commended the efforts that would help them avoid the long walk, about two kilometers, they used to experience for the search of medical services in neighboring Bwasa and Nzagwa villages.

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