Kenya: Former Mathira MP Matu Wamae Has Died After Long Illness

15 December 2022

Nyeri — Matu Wamae who served as Mathira Member of Parlioament for three terms between 1983 to 2002 died at Nairobi hospital on Wednesday evening.

According to his son Wamae, his father has been unwell for sometime and developed complications while being treated at the facility where he had been admitted.

"My father has been unwell for sometime but succumbed last night at the facility ,we are currently making arrangements for his burial " said Wamae.

Matu who started his political career in 1979 but lost to the late minister Davidson Ngibuini kuguru will be remembered for his contribution in education sector coining the slogan "Mathira ma Githomo," meaning Mathira a giant in education.

This prompted the late president Mwai kibaki to name him as shadow minister for education during his tenure as the leader of opposition during Moi era.

Always at loggerhead with Moi, Wamae who was a great industrialist founded Chaka trading centre where he had interest turning the town to what it is today as industrial hub.

After taking over the presidency in 2002 Kibaki who was a great friend of Wamae named him the chairman of new KCC which he turned around after years of mismanagement by KANU regime.

Current Mathira mp Eric Wamumbi eulogized wamae as a great thinker saying that he will be forever be remembered by his constituents.

"To us in Mathira this is big loss we will be with the family at this trying moments he is credited for improving education in this great constituency which has produced great brains " said Wamumbi.

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