Tanzania: Zanzibar Puts Unethical Public Servants on Notice

Zanzibar — Zanzibar government has issued a strong warning against its public servants who violate regulations and ethics in the course of serving the public.

"The government will take stern legal actions against any employee who violates work regulations and ethics, and that any involvement in corruption will not be tolerated," Zanzibar's Second Vice President Hemed Suleiman Abdulla affirmed, on Saturday, when adjourning the sessions of the House of Representatives.

The Isles' second Vice-President and leader of the government businesses in the House explained that the government was making efforts to ensure equal opportunities in delivering public services.

Recently, Zanzibar government reduced electricity connection charges, an initiative that is aimed at creating environment for customers to have access to electricity.

"The government has reduced the costs of electricity for its citizens. Now it is the responsibility of the Zanzibar Electricity Corporation (ZECO) to ensure that citizens who need power are connected immediately after making payment. There should be no unnecessary delays," he said, urging employees to shun corruption, theft and bureaucracy, instead, they should work with integrity," he said.

He elaborated that Zanzibar government has been improving and availing social services such as health, education to the public. Access to safe water has reached 66 per cent on average (65 per cent in Unguja and 67 per cent in Pemba).

"I direct ZAWA to continue providing the service including constructing water storage tanks and improving water supply infrastructure. The public has the duty to protect and safeguard the infrastructure, said the 2nd VP when directing the Zanzibar Water Authority (ZAWA).

He went on to extol Union President Samia Suluhu Hassan and her Zanzibar counterpart Dr Hussein Mwinyi for their exemplary leadership of moving the countries forward to achieve development goals.

"Dr Samia and Dr Mwinyi have proved to be good leaders as they have been effectively implementing pledges stipulated in the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM)'s 2020-2025 election manifesto," Mr Abdulla said.

He said the two leaders have been also providing workable guidelines to their subordinates to achieve development goals including building a vibrant economy and social welfare.

The two-week session saw the legislators approving four bills and a report about the implementation of Zanzibar Public Leaders' Ethics Commission (ZAPLEC) for the 2021/2022.

The approved bills include an Act to repeal the People with Disabilities Act No 9 of 2006; amendment of Institute of Public Administration (IPA) Act No. 1 of 2007; the Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendment); and A Bill for an Act to Repeal the Zanzibar Revenue Board Act, No. 7 of 1996 and establish the Zanzibar Revenue Authority.

The passed laws, which await to be assented by the President, are a milestone in the development of good governance and improving accountability, appealing to all leaders mentioned in the law to fill in the ethics forms and submit to the commission before the deadline.

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