Uganda: ICC Throws Out Dominic Ongwen's Appeal

The International Criminal Court (ICC) building in The Hague (file photo).

Kampala, Uganda — The International Criminal Court appeals chamber threw out an appeal by former LRA rebel commander Dominic Ongwen challenging the 25-year sentence.

The Hague-based court last year convicted Ongwen and consequently sentenced him to 25 years imprisonment for crimes against humanity committed during the insurgency in Northern Uganda.

The former rebel commander also nicknamed the "White Ant appealed against the conviction and sentence citing legal, factual and procedural errors.

On Thursday last week, the appeals chamber of the court threw out his appeal.

"The appeals chamber rejects all the defence's grounds of appeal and confirms unanimously the conviction decision," Presiding Judge Luz del Carmen Ibanez Carranza said.

The appeals chamber rejected the 90 grounds of appeal raised by Ongwen of violations of his right to a fair trial and other human rights, as well as his challenge to the trial chamber's findings on his criminal responsibility as an indirect perpetrator and as an indirect co-perpetrator, setting out in this regard the parameters of these modes of liability.

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