Rwanda Mountain Tea Celebrates Tea Farmers' Day

19 December 2022

Rwanda Mountain Tea Ltd, on Thursday December 15, celebrated with farmers and tea pluckers their annual Tea Farmers' Day across all their 8-tea gardens and factories.

In Nyamagabe district, Kitabi Tea Factory, the celebration, under the theme "Tea farming as a pillar for sustainable development", was attended by thousands of tea farmers, Rwanda Mountain Tea Company Ltd Representatives, security organs representatives, Kitabi Tea Factory management and workers, NAEB representative, Nyamagabe district authorities among others.

Speaking during the ceremony, Agnes Nyirankera, one of the board members of Rwanda Mountain Tea Company Ltd said that the farmers have hugely contributed to the factory's production by increasing quality and quality of tea leaf despite Covid-19 pandemic.

"We celebrated the annual tea farmers' day the fact that they have done good work for the whole year. This comes after two years of Covid-19 and we could not celebrate. We want to show today that farmers have been resilient. Despite Covid-19 they have been able to produce more and more. The quality is the best in the whole Africa, the quality is well known in the whole market," she said.

During the ceremony, some outstanding farmers and Tea pluckers were rewarded with bicycles, cows and goats and many other prizes.

She commended the tea farmers for having increased numbers in terms of production compared to the previous years.

"We are very happy, and we would like to thank the government for their support. We would like to see more tea produced and exported. We did recognize men and women tea farmers because of the good work they did during this year. Some were able to get goats and cows, bicycles that will help them in their daily work. All this is to make sure they add value and celebrate for the work they did," she said.

The farmers and Rwanda Mountain Tea Ltd among other investors in tea farming are contributing to increasing exports.

Figures show that in 2021-2022, despite the Covid-19, the Tea exports in Rwanda generated $103.4 million from 35, 404 tonnes.

The target is to generate $113 million from exporting 37, 936 tonnes in 2022/23.

"Kitabi Tea Factory, one of our 8 subsidiary companies contributed a lot," she said.

The eight factories include Kitabi, Gatare, Gisakura, Mata, Nshili-Kivu, Rubaya, Nyabihu and Rutsito tea factories.

She commended President Paul Kagame for having enabled environment investment in the country.

She noted that the factories, in which Rwanda Mountain Tea has invested, have been winning quality prizes and the gardens are well known for their quality on the international market.

Some prizes are organized by East Africa Tea Trade Association-EATTA.

In June 2022 Kitabi, Rubaya and Nyabihu tea factories, during 5th African Tea Convention and Exhibition in Burundi, secured prizes.

Rwanda Mountain Tea got eight prizes out of twelve through the subsdiaries.

One prize includes Overall Best Tea Grades in the Black CTC Manufacture that was awarded to Kitabi factory.

Kitabi factory also got four prizes namely 1st Position BP1, 1ST Position PF1, 11st Position PD, and 3rd Position D1.

Rubaya tea factory got 1st Position D1, and 3rd Position PF1 awards while Nyabihu tea factor got 3rd Position PD award.

"This goes to the efforts on quality and quantity of our tea, and we have to commend the role of tea farmers and tea pluckers," Nyirankera said.

Rwanda Mountain Tea has pledged to continue working with tea farmers to increase production by collaborating in getting fertilizers on time, materials to prepare tea seedlings and training in tea growing techniques and technology.

This must go with increasing factories' production capacity, boosting value addition and tapping into more international markets.

Rwanda Mountain Tea continues to contribute to clean water supply, classrooms construction for tea communities, building ECDs (Early Childhood Development Center) where the 8 tea factories under Rwanda Mountain Tea Ltd Management currently accommodate over 400children from communities around the factories, building shelter to the vulnerable, support in community-based insurance premiums and providing cows to vulnerable families.

Tea farmers commend Rwanda Mountain tea

Farmers' cooperative that has 10 per cent of shares in Kitabi Tea Factory - the subsidiary of Rwanda Mountain Tea commended the support.

Joseph Nkurunziza is a farmer who started from growing tea on 7 acres of land.

Today he is growing tea on two hectares of land.

"I am earning Rwf500, 000 from tea growing per month and this could soon increase to Rwf1.5 million per month, as I plan to increase production by growing tea on four hectares," he said.

Nkurunziza who is a member of KOBACYAMU cooperative said he managed to build a residential house and a commercial house.

"I have 12 permanent workers and six casual works in my tea plantations," he said.

He also bought motorcycle he used to reach the tea fields.

"Today, we were happy to celebrate Tea Farmers' Day. We commend Rwanda Mountain for having well organized the celebrations.

When we see the activity to reward farmers, it motivates us to be dedicated to tea growing. Tea is a cash crop that is improving lives of people in this area and the country in general. We are hopeful over the plan to increase tea plantations area," he said.

Marthe Mukanzirabatinya, the president of KOBACYAMU cooperative said that over 5,101 members celebrating the achievements.

"Every farmer contributes 5 per cent of their revenue to contribute to the cooperative development. We thank Kitabi Tea Factory for giving us quality tea seedlings, training. The tea has improved our members' lives and welfare. Children managed to go to school, they get health insurance. They have also embraced saving culture and are saving in Ejo Heza saving scheme," she said.

The cooperative managed to build Petrol station using revenues from tea growing and bought Rwf30 million shares Nyamagabe Modern market. We also have shares in Kitabi Tea Factory. We thank Rwanda Mountain tea as it will help us get tea seedlings for more 500 hectares next year," she said.

Thaddée Habimana, the vice Mayor in charge of economic development in Nyamagabe district commended Kitabi Tea Factory for boosting economic development through supporting tea farmers.

"Kitabi Tea Factory is the second tea factory in our district. Thanks to the factory, farmers are affording basic needs. Over 7,000 tea farmers are celebrating. This has also tackled unemployment in our district," he said.

How Kitabi Tea Factory production increased

Kitabi Tea Factory, a subsidiary of Rwanda Mountain Tea Ltd, started operations in 2009.

Thushara Pinidiya, the Director General of the factory commended farmers for their contribution to the company's growth.

He said Kitabi Company has significantly grown as tea plantations increased from 350 hectares to 818.52 hectares.

Fields by KOBACYAMU cooperative increased from 650 hectares in 2009 to 790 hectares.

"Rwanda Mountain Tea is planning to increase more 500 hectares for the farmers next year," he noted.

He said that production of Made tea increased by 43.5% from 1.8 million Kilogrammes in 2009 to 2.6 Kilogrammes in 2021.

The company employs 2,527 workers and procures tea leaves from over 5,100 farmers in KOBACYAMU cooperative.

"Kitabi Tea Factory is recognized for quality standards and competence compliance," Pinidiya.

Kitabi Tea Factory is currently on top among other 240 tea factories in the region.

The company has so far got eight prizes.

The company has supplied clean water to 540 families where it invested Rwf49 million.

Next year, the company will also supply clean water to more 250 families.

It has also constructed TVET schools worth Rwf60 million.

Over 25 cows were given to vulnerable families while solar panels were given to 33 households.

There is plan to pay health insurance to 500 vulnerable people in surrounding communities that are not tea farmers.

"The farmers' day celebration is a special occasion for all of us to recognize hard work and dedication of tea farmers. They contributed to the company's success. Tea farmers are backbone of our industry to achieve more," he noted.

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