Southern Africa: SA Supreme Court Denies Mozambican Appeal Bid Against Manuel Chang's US Extradition Order

Manuel Chang, Minister of Finance of the Republic of Mozambique, addresses a United Nations Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and its Impact on Development in 2009.

The Mozambican government has again been denied leave to appeal against the Johannesburg High Court's decision that former Mozambican finance minister Manuel Chang should be extradited to the United States -- this time, by the Supreme Court of Appeal.

The Supreme Court of Appeal in South Africa has dismissed the Mozambican government's application for leave to appeal against the Johannesburg High Court's decision that former Mozambican finance minister, Manuel Chang, should be extradited to the United States to face corruption charges.

The application for leave to appeal was dismissed on 8 December on the grounds that there was "no reasonable prospect of success in an appeal and there is no other compelling reason why an appeal should be heard".

The dismissal put paid to the Mozambican government's latest attempt to appeal against the Johannesburg High Court order handed down in November 2021. It previously sought leave to appeal against the decision in the high court and the Constitutional Court, but was denied in both instances.

Chang was arrested in Johannesburg in December 2018 on a US warrant, according to a Daily Maverick report. The US government had indicted him on charges of corruption related to a fraudulent $2-billion scheme --...

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