Africa: Qatar - Gianni Infantino Says World Cup Made $1bln More Than Expected but Still Ignores Migrant Workers' Compensation Claims

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press release

Responding to comments made today by FIFA President Gianni Infantino that the organization has made record revenues from the World Cup in Qatar, Stephen Cockburn, Head of Economic and Social Justice at Amnesty International, said:

"Gianni Infantino has announced that FIFA made $7.5 billion from the 2022 World Cup cycle, more than $1 billion more than expected. He also forecast FIFA to make in excess of $11 billion over the next four years.

"Yet he offered nothing new to so many workers and their families who continue to be denied compensation for stolen wages and lost lives.

"The migrant workers behind this World Cup have contributed hugely to FIFA's incredible wealth, and FIFA has a clear responsibility to compensate them for their losses.

"Rather than continue to ignore workers' calls for justice. The organization's proposed new Legacy Fund must ensure remedy to everyone who made this tournament possible, as well as the families of those who lost loved ones as a result."


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