Rwanda: Kabuga Provided Training Field for Interahamwe Militia, Says Witness

20 December 2022

Felicien Kabuga donated a piece of land where the Interahamwe conducted their training in Kimironko, a Kigali suburb, a new witness code-named KAB070 told the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT) on Tuesday.

According to his testimony, an Interahamwe group was formed in Kimironko as early as 1991 under the leadership of one Hajabakiga.

"Kabuga authorized the group to gather and train on a plot adjacent to his residential compound," KAB070, who is a convict of genocide crimes, said.

He explained that the Interahamwe initially trained as a group that danced at the rallies of the National Revolutionary Movement for Development (MRND), the ruling party then.

"During the training, they would sing songs that praised the MRND party or condemned the RPF and the multi-party system," he narrated.

Just like those who testified before, KAB070 reiterated that the businessman provided financial support to the Interahamwe.

"If they needed anything, one of them would go into Kabuga's compound to speak to him," he said.

KAB070 noted that he recalls two occasions when Kabuga gave money to the Interahamwe which they used to rent vehicles to transport them to an MRND rally and to buy beer.

When the genocide started in 1994, the Interahamwe attacked and killed the Tutsi in Kimironko, and one of the most important roadblocks that they used in targeting the victims was located close to Kabuga's residence, according to the witness' testimony.

Kabuga, 89, was a wealthy businessman before and during the genocide.

He is charged with seven counts including: genocide, complicity in genocide, direct and public incitement to commit genocide, attempt to commit genocide and conspiracy to commit genocide.

Other charges include persecution and extermination - both as crimes against humanity.

Kabuga was arrested in May 2020 in Paris, France, putting an end on a 26-year manhunt for the man, who earned the nick-name 'Financier of Genocide'.

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