Somalia: UNSC Votes On Resolution About ATMIS Presence in Somalia

UA-ONU IST/Stuart Price
Des soldats de la paix de l’Union africaine et de l’ONU à Mogadiscio, en Somalie.

The Security Council on Wednesday adopted a resolution to delay the drawdown of 2,000 personnel of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) for six months.

In response to the request of the African Union, Resolution 2670, which won the unanimous support of the council, extends the authorization for the ATMIS drawdown until June 30, 2023.

The deadline was originally Dec. 31, 2022, decided by Resolution 2628 of March 2022, which reconfigured the AU Mission in Somalia into ATMIS.

Under the new resolution, the Security Council will convene a formal meeting on the transition in Somalia no later than May 31, 2023, with the participation of Somalia, the African Union, the European Union and ATMIS troop-contributing countries.

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