Uganda: Police in Rare 'Special' Christmas Message on Kampala Streets

22 December 2022

Police in a rare occasion on Thursday organized a march within the central business district in Kampala in which it provided a Christmas crime prevention tips to members of the public.

Led by the force's band, the different police units including traffic, counter terrorism, field force unit and general duties led by the Chief Political Commissar of the force, Senior Commissioner of Police, Hadijja Namutebi marched through various streets mobilizing members of the public on keeping safe during Christmas and the entire festive season.

The march was also joined by boda boda riders and taxi drivers.

"As a police force responsible for securing every individual in Uganda, we have come up with this community policing drive in the central business district to remind members of their responsibility to prevent crime. We want to remind them that as they celebrate Christmas and the New Year and the long holidays, they have to keep safe and secure," SCP Namutebi said.

She said in fulfilling their mandate of protecting the public and their property, they ought to involve the public in providing their own security.

"We want to encourage members of the public that security starts with them. This time round we decided to do it a special way by organizing a march to tell the public that they need to partner with us in crime prevention during this period."

The police earlier this week asked members of the public to be vigilant as the festive season nears.

The deputy police spokesperson, Claire Nabakka said criminals tend to take advantage of the laxity of members of the public during the festive season to pounce and commit crimes.

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