Egypt: President El-Sisi Inaugurates Two Plants for the Production of Medical and Industrial Gas and a Tri-Generation Plant

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi inaugurated on Monday morning 26/12/2022 two plants for the production of medical and industrial gas and a tri-generation plant in the chemical industries complex in Abu Rawash, Giza.

Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli and Defense Minister Mohamed Zaki welcomed the president upon his arrival at the Chemicals Complex in Abu Rawash.

Director General of the National Service Projects Organization (NSPO) Walid Hussein Abul Magd said El Nasr for Intermediate Chemicals represents Egypt's cornerstone for services of the medical, agricultural and industrial sectors.

He said the factories of the company - which was set up in 1972 - have grown over the past eight years from 26 to 39 factories in the fields of chemical industries and phosphate fertilizers to meet the Egyptian market needs.

He said Egypt's achievements and its productive facilities contributed to realizing agricultural and industrial development, pointing out that this has also offered great support for confronting the repercussions of the international crises, topped by the coronavirus crisis and the Russian-Ukrainian crisis.

He said El Nasr for Intermediate Chemicals company is the largest of its kind in Africa and the Middle East and its products have invaded about 55 states worldwide.

He reiterated that it is a great honor that President Sisi visited the company's HQ to open two gas production factories and a tri-generation plant in Abu Rawash district of Giza.

He added that these projects were set up under directives of President Sisi to buttress the health mechanism and secure needs of the medical and industrial sectors in Egypt.

He said a fertilizers factory will be inaugurated in Ain Sokhna soon.

He asserted that the NSPO works on improving the quality of Egyptian people's lives in line with the Egypt Vision 2030.

He concluded his speech by thanking President Sisi and the general command of the Armed Forces for their continued support to improve the services offered to Egyptians.

A documentary entitled "New Hope" was played during the inauguration ceremony to shed light on the quantum leap achieved where new industrial projects are concerned.

It cited an Egyptian industrial complex that now includes dozens of production facilities, atop of which the El Nasr Company for Intermediate Chemicals (NCIC), which secures agricultural, industrial and medical demands in the areas of Abu Rawash, Fayyoum and Ain Sokhna.

It displayed that the number of factories has increased to 39 over the past eight years, showing that more than 6,000 jobs have been created at the factories, whose products have so far been exported to 55 Arab and foreign countries.

It highlighted that in 2019, a medical and industrial gases factory no.3 was inaugurated with the aim to produce Liquid Medical Oxygen (LMO).

This is in addition to two new plants, which have also been established to produce oxygen, nitrogen and argon with a daily capacity of 200 tons; thus bringing the total production of LMO to 340 tons every day, and the total annual production of liquid argon and nitrogen to 1,000 tons and 43,000 tons respectively, noting that this helped meet the needs of more than 280 hospitals.

It also put the capacity of the tri-generation plant at 27 megawatts per hour of electricity, 16 tons per hour of steam and 430 tons of chilled water. This factory has contributed to preserving the environment through reducing consumption of fuel by 25 percent.

Chairman of El Nasr Company for Intermediate Chemicals (NCIC) Major General Ihab Abdel Samie asserted that good will and determination could enable us to beef up the pillars of the State's economy.

Abdel Samie expressed thanks to the president for attaching great importance to the company over the past eight years to place it on top of major companies in the production of chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides and medical gases.

He reviewed the great leap achieved in the company's production till it achieved a self-sufficiency of some products and achieved exports' surplus.

Abdel Samie added that in 2015, NCIC inaugurated a plant for the production of granular single and triple super phosphate in a chemicals complex in Fayyoum.

He also noted that NCIC inaugurated in 2019 a super and complex phosphate products plant in El Ain Al Shokhan and a hydrogen peroxide plant in Abu Rawash which produces for the first time in Egypt the medical and industrial gases.

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi commented asserting that the State was keen on bolstering the local production of various products and strategic commodities in order to reduce imports from abroad and ease the high demand on dollars.

El-Sisi called on the government to announce the volume of commodities that will be released from harbours, pointing out that Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli has briefed him on a plan to release the commodities from harbors and means of providing all necessary accreditation measures.

The president also reiterated the importance of providing all necessary data to citizens to avoid spreading rumors.

El-Sisi noted that the State has been seeking to produce some strategic industries such as Chlorine and other medical gases to meet the local demands, adding that the coronavirus pandemic has forced the state to establish gases' factories despite the fact that medical gases production was sufficient.

He also noted that the inauguration of such factories would enable the state to cope up with all the developments in the medical sector that is likely to happen in the coming years.

El-Sisi also added that the State would seek to provide the local needs from hydrogen, stressing that the State is very much keen on the stability of the agricultural sector

El-Sisi urged unity in the face of price hikes and to alleviate burdens on citizens.

He touched upon a plan to inaugurate a nitrogen fertilizers complex in the coming stage to be able to cope with the increased agricultural lots.

The president added that it is important that ministries and authorities have their own saving vessels.

He cited the Suez Canal fund that could very well be used to bankroll Suez Canal Authority (SCA) projects if only 10 percent of its 220 billion dollars (worth of revenues since 1975) is allocated for the purpose.

He also pointed to a Health Ministry fund, which was created with the aim to finance ventures and upgrade the efficiency of hospitals.

El-Sisi stressed that Housing Ministry fund is also used to provide finances needed to establish one million residential units every year.

President El-Sisi said that prices of materials and ores have skyrocketed due to the waves of economic instability in the world.

El-Sisi pointed out that it is necessary to classify the materials which are imported according to their importance to the State.

He noted that the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war in Ukraine triggered particularly severe disruptions to supply chains.

President El-Sisi, meanwhile, said that it is necessary to depend on the local production of several products that are necessary to the State.

El-Sisi said that any project can take between three to four years, adding that the State is keen on not importing certain products and materials in order to enhance local production to reduce dollar high demand.

Regarding his directives two months ago to release production requirements and raw materials that have been stuck at customs, President El-Sisi said that Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli drew up a plan in this respect, including providing the letters of credit to access foreign currency within four days.

President El-Sisi further said that six factories producing about 700,000 tons of nitrogen fertilizers a will be opened in Ain Sokhna during February and March.

He affirmed that the State is keen on stabilizing the prices of agricultural inputs, said President El-Sisi during his inauguration of two factories for the medical and industrial gases in Giza's Abu Rawash district.

He explained that if the prices of gas, which is used in producing fertilizers, increased, so the prices of this product will in turn go up, affirming that the State aims to keep price levels without increase.

He urged that all sides should stand united to confront the price hikes.

Regarding the "golden licence", President El-Sisi said that it primarily aims to save time, adding that there is no time to ask businessmen who are keen on obtaining successful project like "Soda Ash" factory to present feasibility studies to the banks.

President El-Sisi went on to say that saving nearly dlrs 300 million will be sure in the interest of the national economy.

He added the Trade and Industry Ministry can notify the bank that such a product is essential and is important at a very high cost.

Directing his speech to Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and Minister of Defense and Military Production General Mohamed Zaki, President El-Sisi said that there are projects that could not in any way take two or three years to be implemented, pointing out in this respect to implementing "Soda Ash" project.

Talking about the wide debate sparked on social media regarding the special fund of the Suez Canal Authority (SCA), President Sisi, underlined the importance of presenting facts to the citizens and addressing public opinion with full transparency.

El-Sisi highlighted that in 2019, SCA Chairman Osama Rabie said that he will ask the Finance Ministry to provide the necessary finance to any project related to the development of Suez Canal, adding that he told him that it is necessary to have needed savings to finance development projects.

El-Sisi said that the Suez Canal fund became a necessary, citing the establishment of 70-billion-pound fund to serve the comprehensive health insurance project and develop hospitals.

El-Sisi added that the law regulating the fund's work was reviewed by the Parliament, noting that the housing ministry's fund increased to hit EGP 500 trillion.

President El-Sisi also said that depending on the Finance Ministry to obtain the necessary fund will result in decreasing its revenues.

He explained that the establishment of the Suez Canal Authority (SCA) Fund will enable it to finance its projects through the canal's revenues.

El-Sisi further said that the issue of the SCA's fund was due to be referred first to the media over the past period before referring to the Parliament.

He stressed that the various ministries and institutions have to establish their own savings funds in order to attain the necessary development.

President El-Sisi spoke of the important role played by the NGOs, saying that it is necessary to depend on other sources other than donations in order to cover the hospitals' needs.

He, meanwhile, said that the resources of the Housing Ministry fund increased from EGP 750 million to EGP 500 trillion, noting that it is necessary to find other solutions away from the State's budget.

The Health Ministry has succeeded in implementing the comprehensive health insurance project, a matter which affirms the State's ability to cover the project's needs.

President El-Sisi said that when he urged the couples about to get married to delay the decision of having a child for one or two years, he meant that they would have sufficient time to live up to the responsibility of being married and starting a new family.

He further said the couples about to get married will undergo medical examination to ensure the safety of both in all respects.

President El-Sisi, meanwhile, extended thanks and appreciation to the National Service Projects Authority of the Armed Forces and the employees at El Nasr For Intermediate Chemicals, stressing that the State is in need of exerting more efforts to provide the necessary products, either in fertilizers, chlorine or others.

Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli asserted that goods estimated at 5 billion dollars were released from the ports since the start of December until December 23, saying that the total value of the goods in the harbors reached 15 billion dollars.

Madbouli said that the priority is given to the important goods that were ready to get out of the harbors, adding that there were agreements with all the bodies concerned for preparations for the holy month of Ramadan.

Madbouli said that the volume of goods that will be released from the ports will be announced weekly.

Madbouli said that Egypt is working to overcome any challenges facing it in light of the current circumstances to restore the wheel of economy.

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi received a copy of the Holy Quran as a souvenir from Chairman of the Board of Directors of El Nasr Company for Intermediate Chemicals Ihab Abdel Samie.

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi toured on Monday the factories of medical and industrial gases and the tri-generation plant in the Chemicals Complex in Abu Rawash district in Giza.

El-Sisi was accompanied by Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli and Minister of Defense and Military Production Mohamed Zaki in addition to a number of ministers and statesmen.

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi toured the factories of medical and industrial gases and the tri-generation plant in the Chemicals Complex in Abu Rawash district in Giza.

El-Sisi was accompanied by Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli and Minister of Defense and Military Production Mohamed Zaki in addition to a number of ministers and statesmen.

President El-Sisi listened to a detailed explanation on the factories and the station in addition to the Chemical Complex in Abu Rawash district.

The complex is built on an area of 250 feddans and comprises five production sectors including 21 chemical factories in addition to a number of administrative and services facilities.

The sectors of production include the sectors of chlorine and sodium hydroxide, medical and industrial gases, agricultural pesticides, liquid and solid fertilizer, aerosol and home pesticides in addition to cleansers and sterilization.

After the inauguration of the two new factories, the total number of factories established in the Chemical Complex in Abu Rawash district mounts up to 23

El-Sisi listened to a detailed explanation from executive director of the energy business unit Mohamed Medhat on the generation station.

Medhat clarified that the main aim of the system of the station is to increase the benefit from the natural gas via generating three kinds of energies at once.

Medhat said that electric energy is produced via the use of high efficiency generators.

He added that the main control room includes three groups of control units.

Medhat said that the main control room in the station includes two groups of display screen, adding that the station also includes a generators chamber including three units for electricity generation with a total electric capacity of 27 megawatts.

El-Sisi also listened to a detailed explanation on the sectors that El Nasr Company for Intermediate Chemicals take part in securing via the different services presented to the citizens in the different sectors.

An employee at the company said that it presents services via four main production sectors including the sectors of medical and industrial gases, industry of potable water, liquid and solid fertilizers and agricultural pesticides and public health pesticides.

At the end of his tour, President Abdel Fattah El Sisi posed for a photo-op with Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli, a number of officials and workers at El Nasr Company for Intermediate Chemicals (NCIC) in Abu Rawash district of Giza.

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