Kenya: Infotrak Poll Gives Ruto 52% Achievement in First 100 Days

27 December 2022

Nairobi — Kenyans have given President William Ruto a 52.1 per cent score on the achievement based on his manifesto in his first 100 days of office.

When he took over in August, President Ruto made a number of promises to be implemented within his first 100 days in office which ended on December 23.

According to the Infotrak Voice of the People Poll which generated a citizenry scorecard on the president's first 100 days in office, the 52.1 per cent is ranked at grade C which means the performance needs improvement.

Speaking during the unveiling of the poll, Infotrak Chief Executive Officer Angela Ambitho called on the President to focus more on his pledges.

On the economic pledge, Kenyans scored the Head of State at 49.2 per cent meaning the area needs urgent attention.

Enhancing financial inclusion through the Sh50 billion Hustler Fund got the highest score of 55.8 percent meaning Kenyans were pleased by this initiative.

It was followed closely by the allocation of funds to the county government which got 55.3 percent, then increasing tax collections through the use of technology which got a score of 52.9 percent.

Improving the lives of low-income earners got a score of 49.6 percent.

The pledges to reduce the cost of living and make food accessible to all Kenyans were the poorest performers scoring 42 percent and 39. 6 percent respectively.

"President Ruto needs to work on lowering the cost of living and making food more accessible as these are very key issues for Kenyans," said Ambitho.

On achievement of his pledges on governance, Kenyans gave President Ruto a score of 54.2 percent.

The first agenda on this pledge was the appointment of the six judges rejected by former President Uhuru Kenyatta which the President delivered, Kenyans gave him a score of 57.2 percent.

On the pledge to establish a women's rights agency in the office of the President, they gave Ruto 53.6 percent.

Ruto had also vowed to implement the two-thirds gender rule in his governance pledge, on this, Kenyans gave him a score of 52.5 percent.

Further, on the infrastructure front Kenyans scored the head of state highly at 59. 9 percent.

On this, he had promised to return port operations to Mombasa of which he issued a directive to the Kenya Port Authority.

In the poll, Infotrak noted that Kenyans living in Eastern Kenya gave the President the highest score followed by Rift Valley.

Kenyans living in Nairobi and Nyanza gave Ruto the lowest score.

Other key areas highlighted in the poll include foreign affairs where President Ruto got an outstanding score of 62 percent.

"On relations with foreign countries, Ruto's government needs a thumbs up as they have done an outstanding job," said Ambitho.

On other areas such as governance he scored 54 per cent while his delivery to the social sector was scored at 51 per cent.

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