Uganda: Muhoozi Being Pushed By Untrustworthy People - City Lawyer

Lt Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba at a music concert organized at the Lugogo Cricket Oval as part of his 48th birthday celebrations.
27 December 2022

City Lawyer Julius Galisonga has said that the faces behind the push for Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba's political agenda are not trustable.

Galisonga made the comments while appearing on NBS TV's morning breeze on Tuesday.

He said that he had previously had the impression that the pushers of the Muhoozi project were very serious people but the faces he has seen are the opposite.

"Initially, the impression I had was serious people are pushing the Muhoozi Project, but the majority of the faces that have come now are not those you would trust with your will at your death bed," he said.

He, however, said that irrespective of that, Muhoozi enjoys better advantages and privileges which have over time made him a more deep-rooted candidate than National Unity Platform (NUP) president Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu alias Bobi Wine.

"Given the advantage he has and enjoys, Muhoozi and Kyagulanyi can't be at the same level. I think Muhoozi has overtaken Kyagulanyi in terms of reach," he said.

Although Gen Muhoozi has not formally indicated he wants a go at the presidency, he has made a few hints both on his social media account and through proxies.

A team of handlers have volunteered to steer his agenda led by an informal team dubbed Team Chairman founded by his uncle Michael Nuwagira alias Toyota.

Other members that form his core inner circle include seasoned journalist Andrew Mwenda, and events promoter Balaam Barugahara.

Kyagulanyi and Muhoozi have a long history together. The two first interacted in the early 2000s when Kyagulanyi was a musician performing under the stage name Bobi Wine and Muhoozi was making his way into a military career. They met at several musical events and seemed cordial.

The relationship became strained when Kyagulanyi launched his own political career, first as a Kyadondo East MP and later competed against Muhoozi's father for the presidency in 2021. Muhoozi has severally said he can defeat Kyagulanyi easily if it came to an election race. Kyagulanyi has scoffed at the claim.

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