Uganda: If Muhoozi Wants Museveni Out, That Is His Business, Not Ours - Otafiire

Lt Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba at a music concert organized at the Lugogo Cricket Oval as part of his 48th birthday celebrations.
27 December 2022

The Minister for Internal Affairs Maj Gen Kahinda Otafiire has said that grounded people like him and others in the ruling National Resistance Movement still have President Museveni as the preferred flag bearer.

Otafiire spoke to the media yesterday, adding that the NRM is the only party with the right to send Museveni to retirement.

"It is up to the NRM to say to Museveni, we now need another person, step aside," he said.

Otafiire said that the recent comments by the First Son, Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba are inconsequential and "his business".

Muhoozi had recently claimed that it is time for "his generation" to take over the state of affairs in the country, urging that the NRM cannot represent the younger people anymore since it is "reactionary".

"That is his business, he is entitled to his opinion. For us who are rational and understand him (Museveni) have said we still want him in charge," Otafiire vowed.

He said it is not true that President Museveni is using elections as a by the way and that he has ringfenced the position until nature takes him out.

"How do you ring-fence a position that you compete for? Are we fools? Us who give him votes?" he posed.

The question of whether President Museveni will be available to run for office continues to linger on with his son Gen Muhoozi also waiting in the wings.

Supporters of both candidates have continuously pushed an agenda to have each of them endorsed for the elections 3 years away.

In one of his tweets recently, Gen Muhoozi attacked Otafiire, saying he needed to get "a few lessons" from Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) strongman Dr Kizza Besigye.

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