Tanzania: First VP Cites Hindrances to Achieving Development Goals

Zanzibar — ZANZIBAR First Vice President, Mr Othman Masoud Othman has cited immorality, dishonest, theft of public funds, and lack of accountability as hindrances to achieving development goals.

"Government leaders or executives are educated people with some background of religion or beliefs in one of the religions, so it is a shame that people whom we trust get involved in corruption," Mr Othman said.

He stated this when he officiated Quran school 'Madrasat Hayatul at-faal of Baghani, Wete, Pemba,' annual meeting held at Kiembesamaki area, Magharib 'B' Unguja District in the Banquate Hall.

Mr Othman censured people who steal properties and money from the government.

"But most of those people are scholars holding degrees. It is disappointing that they act against ethics and religious teachings," he said.

The First Vice President appealed to elders, parents and the community at large to ensure that they nurture and prepare young people morally so that they become responsible leaders in the future, including observing religious teachings.

He called for collective parenting and responsibility to get rid of corrupt executives in both public and private sectors.

Mr Othman also reminded the gathering that Zanzibar has a great history due to its good traditions based on religious teachings, and that without community's commitment to nurture young people, Zanzibar risks having irresponsible leaders.

He praised leadership of the Madrasat for their great efforts to nurture students or children through the basics of the Quran (Holly Book for Muslims) as well as having a good leadership of the madrasa.

The Deputy Chief Kadhi of Zanzibar, Sheikh Othman Ame Chum spoke at the meeting, urging teachers to continue with the great work of nurturing and developing children with different talents, and that the challenge of immorality in Zanzibar, including drug abuse, engaging in crimes such as theft and sexual abuse, need collective responsibility.

Sheikh Maalim Rashid Sinan, said the Madrasat has been providing better care and education to its students and teachers, despite challenges including lack of chairs, and modern teaching materials.

He said the Madrasa has been doing what it can to help maintain good behaviour in the country.

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