Western Sahara: President Brahim Ghali Receives Algerian Multidisciplinary Medical Mission

Shahid Al-Hafed — The President of the Republic, the Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Brahim Ghali, received yesterday, members of the multi-disciplinary Algerian medical mission that had been carrying out its work in the Sahrawi hospitals for a whole week.

The meeting, which took place at the headquarters of the Presidency of the Republic, was attended by the Minister of Public Health, member of the National Secretariat, Mrs. Khira Boulahi Abad, and the responsible of medical missions at the Ministry of Public Health, Mr. Khatri Maalainin.

The President of the Republic highly valued the qualitative efforts made by the Algerian multidisciplinary medical mission in the Sahrawi health institutions and its distinguished role in alleviating the health sufferings of the Sahrawi patients in various important medical specialties.

Brahim Ghali considered this unique humanitarian work carried out by the Algerian medical mission as another aspect of solidarity of the brotherly Algerian people, who have always been supportive of the Sahrawi people in all fields and in various circumstances.

Members of the Algerian medical mission presented to the President of the Republic their distinguished professional experience during their work in the Sahrawi health institutions, and the welcome and hospitality they enjoyed, expressing their great hope to continue this noble fraternal and human experience.

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