Angola Seeks Partnership in Future Minerals Forum

Luanda — Staff of the National Agency for Mineral Resources (ANRM) are in Riyadh, capital city of Saudi Arabia, where they are setting up contacts with strategic partners aiming to produce clean energies in the country.

In the framework of the Future Minerals Forum to take place on 11-12 of the current month, the Angolan experts will take the opportunity to publicise the country´s geological and mining situation, including the critical mineral resources that serve to produce carbon-free energy.

Among the future minerals for clean energies, lithium, nickel, graphite, manganese, copper, rare earths and cobalt stand out.

Regarding the business environment, the Angolan delegation will present to the forum the specific exchange rate regimes for the mining sector and the Specific Visa Granting Regime for businesspeople.

According to a note from the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas that ANGOP had access to, the Mineral Resources National Director, Paulo Tanganha, highlights Angola´s objectives for the forum, such as learning from the experiences of other countries in terms of policies and strategies for the mining sector, as well as to identify cooperation opportunities with scientific investigation institutions for the Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas field.

The event´s organisers expect to bring together 6,000 participants, including speakers, companies and representatives from several countries.

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