Uganda: Bobi Wine Praises Catholic Church for Championing the Truth, Standing On the Side of Oppressed

10 January 2023

Bobi Wine praises Catholic Church for championing the truth, standing on the side of oppressed

Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine has expressed gratitude towards the Catholic Church for always standing on the side of the truth and for bringing hope into the lives of the people of Uganda, especially the oppressed.

Through clerics like the late Rev Bro Fr Anatoli Wasswa Kizito, Kyagulanyi said the Catholic Church has distinguished itself as the vanguard of those suffering oppression and persecution.


Kyagulanyi who is also the leader of the National Unity Platform (NUP) made the remarks shortly after attending the burial ceremony of the deceased in Kiteredde, Kyotera.

Fr Anatoli passed away last week at the age of 97.

"I thank those who have been learning from Fr Anatoli including reading his books. I have not yet got a chance to get access to those books. I thank the Catholic Church for standing on the side of truth. The Catholic Church has helped people to continue trusting God and making them believe that trusting God is the right way. It has helped people to remain firm," he said.


The former presidential candidate urged Ugandans, especially those who can access Fr Anatoli's books to ensure that they spread his message so that other people can also learn from him, an initiative he believes will help to get other good people like the late.

"I pay tribute to his remaining true to and honouring our African tradition despite being a religious leader which many Africans mistakenly confuse with witchcraft. May Rev. Fr. Bro. Anatoli's soul rests in peace," said Kyagulanyi.

The Leader of Opposition Mathias Mpuuga who also joined the congregation to celebrate the life of Rev Bro Fr Anatoli Wasswa Kizito, a man that God gifted with many talents, said the late served this nation wholeheartedly.

"He professed religious life under the Banna Kalooli Brothers for 75 years and served in the Lord's vineyard for 45 years in addition to serving humanity as a key advocate of our natural herbs," said Mpuuga.

He noted that the nation has lost a hero and a great man, wondering whether the country will ever get a good man like Bro Fr Anatoli Wasswa Kizito.

"Our deep commiserations to the Bishop of Masaka, Rt Rev Serverus Jjumba, the clergy, the Superior General and the entire Congregation of the Banna Kalooli Brothers. May Rev. Fr. Bro. Anatoli's soul rests in peace," he said.

Bro Fr Anatoli Wasswa was a renowned priest from St Charles Lwanga (Bannakaloli Brothers) Church in Kiteredde, Kyotera District. He was 95, and just a month away from another birthday.

He was known for infusing his priestly calling with his herbal medicine work, a calling he was inspired to venture into following a heart illness that troubled him during childhood.

Fr Anatoli was born in Singo County, Kigo Village in present-day Mityana District on February 15, 1927. After studying catechism classes, in 1947, he went to Kiteredde in Kyotera to become a seminarian.

Eventually, he became a [Catholic Religious] Brother in 1948. He studied teaching in 1950 at Busubizi Teacher Training College (TTC) in Mityana.

In 1978, he went to Katigondo National Major Seminary to study priesthood and afterwards became a Brother and Father. He then began staying and working in Masaka Diocese.

He has written a number of books, including an autobiography and another tackling witchcraft.

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