Uganda: KCCA Kicks Off Installation of Solar Lights in Owino Market

12 January 2023

The Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) has kicked off installation of solar lights at St Balikuddembe Market in a bid to provide a safe, clean and accessible market with appropriate infrastructure.

The rehabilitation of this market, commonly known as Owino, is expected to boost economic and retailing activities for local businesses.


Owino is the biggest market in Uganda and among the 16 public markets that KCCA took over last year following a Presidential directive.

On Wednesday, the KCCA Executive Director Dorothy Kisaka visited the market to inspect the ongoing works.

Solar lights installed in Owino market

Kisaka, who was welcomed to the market by excited traders, commended the development partners who have provided support to install paving as well as solar lights in the market.


"I want to thank the government who got us friends to support us to pave our market. We all want smart markets where we can trade safely," Kisaka said.

She revealed that this support to Owino market has been provided by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

The paving works have started from the produce trading section and will be scaled to other parts of the market.

"We are doing all these in line with the presidential directive which gave us the mandate to take over the management of the market," Kisaka said.

Following the presidential directive in November 2021, KCCA took charge of administration of the market, security, sanitation and hygiene and revenue collection.

Since then, KCCA has deployed its staff such as Market Masters, Administrators and Enforcement personnel to provide security.

Owino being a big market, Kisaka promised to deploy more personnel to ease the work and service delivery.

Deo Walusimbi, the chairperson Owino Market Produce trading section, commended KCCA for installing the pavers and lights in the market.

"This will improve the hygiene and sanitation of the market. We have been operating in a muddy place but now our market will be clean and smart," Walusimbi said.

Traders and press at Owino market

He called for more development partners to support them to improve on the smartness of the market.

Jovia Naluga the Owino Market Master said since KCCA took charge of the market, sanity has been restored and vendors are happy that the directives of the president are being implemented.

"These lights will help us in security and extend the working hours of the market. We are appreciative of the development partners," Naluga said.

She revealed that the vendors are happy that the market is being rehabilitated and have been allowed to operate from outside as they finish the work.

Since we got this market as KCCA the vendors are happy that the directives of the president are implemented.

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