Zimbabwe: Law Society Says Worried Political Violence Upsurge

12 January 2023

The Law Society of Zimbabwe (LSZ) has expressed concern over the increase in political violence cases in some parts of the country.

In a statement on behalf of the profession, LSZ urged political leaders to commit to non-violence not only through words but deed.

LSZ statement follows leakage of a footage in which some elderly members of citizens coalition for Change (CCC) were attacked by suspected Zanu PF activists on allegations of belonging to the opposition.

The police have so far arrested one suspect behind the brutal attack.

"While police have indicated publicly that they are investigating the case and have issued an update on the progress made to date, it is important that stakeholders raise the red flag immediately in order to have such deplorable conduct nipped in the bud.

"This is even more so given that we are in an election year.

"The outbreak of violence is disconcerting to anyone who wishes Zimbabwe well, " said LSZ.

LSZ also said the scourge of political violence has continued to be a blot on Zimbabwe's electoral processes for decades.

It said given indications of political will to end it, it is important that decisive action be taken now.

"Insincere public pronouncements against political violence will not end the vice. Politicians must stop speaking with forked tongues, declaring commitment to a violent free election by day will coaxing their supporters to terrorise citizens by night.

"Zimbabwe now more than ever needs its leaders across the political divide to show maturity and leadership."

According to LSZ, If the country is to reap the rewards of the engagement and re-engagement thrust as espoused by the government, it is important that all actions are synchronised to achieve the goals of this policy.

"The right to political choice is deeply engrained in our constitution and no one has a right to vary it at a whim.

"We urge police to act with speed to bring to account those implicated in the Murehwa violence as a way of sending a clear message to all and sundry against such actions," reads the statement.

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