Angola: President Calls for Increase in Production of Goods

Luanda — The president of the Republic João Lourenço defended the need to increase domestic production of goods and services and, thus, reduce imports.

The recommendation was made at the inauguration ceremony of the members of the Economic and Social Council (CES) on Saturday in Luanda, during which the president called for the need to rely on the private sector to attain this goal.

"It is the private sector that has to produce, although the State cannot exempt itself from its responsibilities", said the President who guided the members of the Economic and Social Council to help the Executive to find better solutions to the fulfillment of this goal .

The CES is an autonomous body for reflection on matters of macroeconomic, corporate and social speciality, which is available to the President of the Republic, for the purpose of consulting matters of interest to the Executive.

João Lourenço also defended the need for a "prefect marriage" between the Executive and the private sector, so that each one fulfills its part.

"Only in this way, will we manage to increase the domestic production of goods and services and increase the level of the country's exports, in a more diversified way", he added.

According to the Holder of Executive Power, the country cannot limit itself to exporting raw materials, such as oil and diamonds, but rather diversify the quality of exported products.

He recalled that the Executive approved some programmes, with emphasis on the increase in grain production, the promotion of livestock and the transformation of meat for consumption, which will reduce imports of this good.

In this regard, he recommended greater investment in the construction of more slaughterhouses in the country, to ensure that the meat arrives at consumers' tables in perfect conditions for consumption.

The Head of State also asked the members of the CES to also help the Executive to think of the best solutions to put the wood industry at the service of the country, not only with a view to better protecting forests, but also to create more jobs.

"The furniture industry must be developed. Currently, apart from the production of school desks, little else is done, "he commented.

In the social chapter, President João Lourenço spoke of the need for better solutions to expand education, teaching, health, sport and culture to all corners of the country, with the construction of more infrastructure.

The CES has 54 members, including recognised specialists in the areas of economic and social sciences, businessmen and managers with renowned national and international experience.

The existence of this body allows the Holder of Executive Power to receive contributions from the scientific, academic, business community, cooperatives and associations that deal with the socio-economic development of the country.

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