Uganda: Two Years Later and Teacher Who Defaced Museveni's Campaign Poster Still Missing

14 January 2023

On February 12th 2021, Godfrey Kisembo 53, the Head Teacher of Kisita primary school, a government establishment was picked by unknown military operatives and has since not been seen by his family.

According to reports, Kisembo was picked on the morning of February 12th after he allegedly defaced campaign posters of President Museveni that had been pinned in the school and his office.

Kisembo's family members concur that members attached to Museveni's team had come to the school to pin the posters but Kisembo asked them not to, adding that the school was not to be involved in partisan politics.

They however went ahead to pin the posters helped by the Director of Internal Security Organisation (DISO) who warned Kisembo of dire consequences.

Just as anticipated, the following morning, the campaign posters had been pulled down. Kisembo would be picked from Masindi town and never to be seen again.

Christine Nakubulwa, the wife to Kisembo says the last time she saw her husband was on that very day, he left home routinely in the morning for his teaching duty and that was it.

"One of the teachers took him to town in Masindi, and he also confirms that the last time the two saw each other. We tried to check in different prison facilities but we can not find him," Christine says.

She says that the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of Mubende has since scrapped Kisembo off the payroll, leaving her and her seven (7) children living hand to mouth.

"The CAO told me that since my husband has been missing for some time, they can not continue paying his salary," said.

National Unity Platform (NUP) Secretary General Lewis David Rubongoya confirms that Kisembo has been on their missing lists for some time but the search for him has proved futile.

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