South Africa: Tiger on the Loose in Johannesburg After Attacking Man, Dog

(File photo)
16 January 2023

Cape Town — Residents in the south of Johannesburg have been alerted after a tiger escaped from a property near Walkerville, IOL reports. A 39-year-old man and dog were attacked by the animal which is believed to have escaped after the fences around its enclosure were cut.

According to Times Live, a team of trackers, police and volunteers are on the hunt for the beast. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) has dispatched a ground team to work with authorities in the search and issued a statement urging residents to avoid contact with the animal.

"We please ask residents of Walkerville and surroundings to be on the lookout and inform us immediately by calling our emergency number on 083 292 5862 if the tiger is spotted. Please do not" approach the tiger; she is dangerous," the SPCA said.

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