Zimbabwe: CCC Members' Bail Hearing Today

17 January 2023

Twenty-five members of the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) party are today expected back in court for continuation of their bail application on allegations of gathering at the house of Budiriro Member of Parliament Costa Machingauta with intent to cause public violence.

The 25 were not asked to plead to the charges when they appeared before Harare magistrare Mrs Yeukai Dzuda, who remanded them in custody to today.

They are charged with gathering with intent to commit public violence.

The 25 include Amos Chibaya, the CCC's national organising secretary, Wencelaus Nyamunokora, Taurai Mema, Rudolph Tsindi, Stabile Mlilo, Mukwada Monica, Misheck Nyembe, Nyemudzai Makwanya, Vimbai Dambaza, Chenesai Ndoro, Lilosa Nhanhanga, Peace Mafundikwa, Faith Ngorima, Cleopatra Tapfuma, Lancelot Tungwarara, Peace R Mapfundikwa, Shyla Zvomoyo, George Makwangwaidze, Wyclife Maramba, Rutsambo Siros, Masikasika Takemore, Aleta Virimai, Stanley Mangare and Dominic Chitahwe.

The State led by Mr Zebadiah Bofu and Mr Pardon Dziva opposed to granting of bail to 24 of them and released Mafundikwa in the custody of her guardians.

The State led evidence from detective assistant inspector Law and Order department George Garauzive, who indicated that the 24 were likely to flee when granted bail.

He also told the court that once released on bail they were likely to reoffend since they were nabbed before accomplishing their mission.

DIC Garauzive indicated that there were about 70 people at the gathering and some of them escaped.

It is the State case that on January 14, the 25 were allegedly invited at Machingauta's place for Citizens Coalition for Change political party members' Presidential Assembly meeting at house number 9239, Vhumba Crescent, Budiriro 5B, Harare.

The invitation was allegedly authored and circulated on various social media platforms by Lancelot Tungwarara.

The 25, who were allegedly clad in CCC regalia that include caps, helmets and T-shirts gathered at house number 9239, Vhumba Crescent Budiriro SB, Harare pursuant to the alleged invitation on social media platforms.

While at the gathering, they allegedly chanted CCC political party slogan "Ngaapinde hake Mukomana, 2023 Chamisa chete chete" meaning "let the boy get in, 2023 Chamisa only, according to the State.

Members of ZRP Budiriro received a tip off that the accused were gathered and went to investigate.

Upon arrival , the police allegedly observed that their conduct was disturbing the peace of a section of members of the public.

The police ordered them to disperse but they resisted leading to their arrest.

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