Zimbabwe: Parliament Accommodates All MPs for Tuesday's Debate - Zanu-PF Chief Whip

18 January 2023

PARLIAMENT has managed to accommodate all parliamentarians for the crucial Preliminary Delimitation Report debate set for Tuesday and Wednesday, an official has said.

Zanu PF Chief Whip Pupurai Togarepi confirmed to newzimbabwe.com on Monday that Parliament had managed secure accommodation for all members of the National Assembly.

"Yes, all members from all political parties in the National Assembly are in Harare now.

"The accommodation issue has been resolved by Parliament's administration.

"We welcome the development as you know there has been a network challenge which has led some members out of the house not to make any contributions," Togarepi said.

Last week, opposition members told the media that its members were no longer able to physically attend Parliament business in the capital due to the accommodation crisis.

"Our members are not able to come to Harare. Parliament is owing hotels huge amounts of money. Our members should come to Parliament and debate on the Preliminary Delimitation Report. We look forward to having all our members of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) present.

"We requested to know from the Speaker Jacob Mudenda if our members will all be accommodated in hotels on the 17 and 18th of January 2023. We want the administration to make sure all the issues are resolved before the dates," CCC Chief Whip Prosper Mutseyami told journalists last week.

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) preliminary delimitation report was recently presented to President Emmerson Mnangagwa and tabled in Parliament.

Parliament has however, criticised the report owing to omissions and several alleged constitutional violations by ZEC.

A Parliamentary ad hoc committee chaired by Togarepi recommended that ZEC reconsiders fulfilling stakeholders' concerns.

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