Angola: Economy Minister Mário Caetano Wants Agricultural Investment in Special Economic Zone

Luanda — The minister of Economy and Planning, Mário Caetano João, recommended Wednesday in Luanda the new Chairman of the Special Economic Zone (ZEE) Board of Directors to create programmes to attract more agricultural investors in the special area.

The minister was speaking during the ceremony to present the new Chairman of the ZEE to the staff, where he pointed out that it has a specific space dedicated to the cultivation of various products.

"The new board of the Luanda-Bengo Special Economic Zone (ZEE) should work to boost agriculture", encouraged the minister for the Economy and Planning.

Mário Caetano João stressed that all those who invest in the agricultural sector in the ZEE will receive instruments as well as financial products which were provided by the Development Bank of Angola (BDA).

The minister spoke about the importance to continue the expansion of ZEE and new investors to reactivate the paralysed companies.

The official added the need to boost the Investor Support Office so that they can have greater support and attention when they come to make their investments in the Special Economic Zone.

On his turn, the new Chairman of the ZEE, Manuel Pedro, committed himself to implementing actions with the aim of attracting more investors to contribute more to the increase of national production for the creation of new jobs in the economic zone.

Manuel Pedro informed that his team will do a diagnosis to find out the areas in need of more attention, having promised to work with the board of the Private Investment and Export Promotion Agency of Angola (AIPEX) and with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MIREX) in order to attract more foreign investors.

The Special Economic Zone (ZEE) has an extension of more than four thousand hectares, which includes 150 companies employing a total of 6,000 employees.

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