Angola: Ministry of Culture and Tourism Committed to Staff Training

Mbanza Kongo — Angolan minister of Culture and Tourism Filipe Zau on Thursday in Mbanza Kongo, northern Zaire province, reaffirmed his sector's focus on training staff for more efficient management of related infrastructure.

The minister was speaking at the opening of a meeting with members of the Committee for Participatory Management of Mbanza Kongo historical centre, aimed at addressing the report on UNESCO's recommendations.

Zau said the sector intends to hire technicians to help in the training of staff capable of ensuring the management and operation of institutions linked to culture and tourism across the country.

He regretted the lack of qualified staff which, according to him, hampers the smooth functioning of the institutions attached to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

The minister, who pledged to reverse the situation in the near future, said his sector will, in partnership with the Zaire Provincial Government, invest in training local youths to attract more tourists and raise revenues for the State.

The minister said Mbanza Kongo is the cultural capital of the country, calling for urgent need to work on recovery of the cultural identity of Angolans.

"It is from Mbanza Kongo that we should have our references for the development of culture and national tourism," he said.

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