Zimbabwe: Zanu-PF Harare Province Gears for Poll Campaign

21 January 2023

ZANU PF Harare Province yesterday held a Provincial Coordinating Committee meeting to set up mobilisation committee teams as part of its campaign strategy ahead of the election set for this year.

The PCC meeting was attended by Politburo members, Central Committee members, National Consultative Assembly, Provincial executives and District Coordinating members.

Harare provincial chairperson, Cde Godwills Masimirembwa said the meeting was meant to roll out campaign strategies across the province

The province, he said will be invigorated by game-changing policies that the Second Republic is implementing to make Zimbabwe an upper-middle-class economy by 2030.

"The elections are also coming at a time the ruling party is steering the economy towards sustainable growth as stated in the economic blueprint, the National Development Strategy

"We emphasised that we are now heading towards elections hence everyone has to put maximum effort to mobilise for the party. The target is to ensure that all members are registered to vote. We want to ensure that those without identity cards secured them. Those who have already registered are within the party structures from the cell to the provincial level.

'We are also rolling out programmes for training party members who will train others in preparation of rolling-out a mass mobilisation programme in Harare," said Cde Masimirembwa.

PCC meeting was also an opportunity to introduce newly appointed Politburo members for Harare province.

The members are Secretary for War Veterans Affairs Cde Douglas Mahiya, Cde Charles Tavengwa Secretary for Education, Ideology and Research, Deputy Secretary for Economic Affairs Cde Andy Mhlanga, Deputy Secretary for Security Cde Tendai Chirau and Cde Omega Hungwe Committee member,

Harare provincial chairlady Cde Ratidzo Mukarati echoed that they have set the campaign road map ahead of the elections set for this year.

"As the women's league we are already on the ground campaigning for the President. We want a clean sweep in the coming elections and ensure a resounding victory for the party. We are engaging all women in Harare to ensure they are registered to vote and they vote for Zanu PF. Empowerment programmes are also lined up for women. We are appealing to all women to exercise their right by registering to vote," said Cde Mukarati.

She appealed to the party leadership to consider a number of youth who will eloquently represent the party in parliament.

"Imposition of candidates will not help us, but the electorate should elect candidates of their choose. We want members who work for the people, candidates who want development," appealed Cde Mukarati.

Youth Affairs chairman Cde Emmanuel Mahachi said the province is embarking on orientation programme to educate members about the party ideology.

"We have realised that a number of youth need to understand the ethos and values of the party. We want to register members who are politically oriented," he said. He said they do not want to risk registering youth who will vote for the opposition.

"We want our youth to be patriotic to the party and their country at large

A number of empowerment programmes are lined in Harare for the youth.

"We have chicks which be distributed across the province," emphasised Cde Mahachi. The PCC, he said also discussed about the implementation of phase two of the mobilisation programme

"We are now going on phase three of mass mobilisation programme. We are going to engage all youth executive members to ensure we managed to convince youth to join Zanu PF," he said

Central Committee member Cde Mavis Gumbo urged Politburo members and senior Government officials to persuade their families to take part in mobilisation strategy.

She appealed to senior party and Government officials to persuade their children, spouse and workers to register to vote for Zanu PF.

"We expect them to ensure their children are within the party structures as well as their spouses

"As Harare province we are geared up to mobilise members to vote for President Mnangagwa who is the sole candidate for the party," she said.

Secretary for External Affairs Women's League Cde Betty Nhambu weigned in saying the meeting was meant to come up with a strategy which will be used for mobilisation.

"We also need to train our members, so that they know the best approach to use when they are campaigning. We need to approach even Vendors, hairdressers, Mawindi among others. They should also be educated about the ideology of the party. There is going to be a training for mass mobilisation," she said.

She also called for unity of purpose among party members.

Zanu PF Secretary for War Veterans Cde Mahiya said the motive behind is to ensure a resounding victory for the President.

"We are now going-out to campaign for the President and the party ahead of the coming elections. We need to do door to door campaign," he said.

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