Zimbabwe: ZRP Sets Record Straight On Injured Harare Lawyer

24 January 2023

Police yesterday said Harare lawyer Kudzayi Kadzere sustained injuries on his right hand when he jumped off a police truck in a bid to evade arrest after he had been nabbed for clashing with some officers who wanted to take some CCC members to Budiriro Police Station.

The CCC members had been arrested for conducting an unsanctioned gathering at a house in Budiriro 5A, when Kadzere, who was driving his car, suddenly appeared and clashed with police officers.

He was then arrested and put in a police truck where he later jumped off and sustained an injury on his right hand.

Police officers rearrested Kadzere and took him to Budiriro Police Station where he was later released to seek medical attention.

The need to clarify comes after reports that Kadzere sustained the injuries after he was assaulted by the police.

National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the developments.

"The Zimbabwe Republic Police wishes to set the record straight and clarify the exact position with regards to allegations of assault on lawyer, Kudzayi Kadzere by police officers. It is a fact that the CCC's Costa Machingauta convened an unsanctioned gathering at house number 9293 Mvumba Crescent, Budiriro 5A, Harare.

"The local Zimbabwe Republic Police station received information and reacted to the scene. Police officers observed that nearly 500 supporters had gathered for the meeting clad in their party regalia. The supporters had blocked Mvumba Crescent, Dehwe Road, Magodo Road and Budiriro OK Rank. This affected the movement of motorists and other members of the public who wanted to pass through. The police officers engaged Costa Machingauta to disperse the supporters.

"However, there was open resistance, with supporters chanting obscene and derogatory songs to the police officers. In the process the CCC youths went on to damage doors of a certain house as they resisted arrest and allegedly stole a cellphone," he said.

He said 24 supporters were arrested while Machingauta escaped arrest, but later on handed himself to the police on January 18, 2023.

"Suddenly Kudzayi Kadzere appeared on the scene in a private vehicle and clashed with the Police Reaction Group members who were taking the suspects to Budiriro Police Station. Kudzayi Kadzere was then arrested for contravening section 46 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, Chapter 9:23.

"He was then put in the police truck. In a bid to resist arrest, Kudzayi Kadzere jumped off the police truck. He sustained an injury on the right hand. Police officers rearrested Kudzayi Kadzere and took him to Budiriro Police Station. On arrival at the police station Kudzayi Kadzere openly declined to lodge a report against police officers. He insisted that he was not assaulted by the police officers during the misunderstanding. Kadzere was then released to seek medical attention," Asst Comm Nyathi said.

He said on January 15, 2023, Kadzere went back to Budiriro Police Station and had his warned and cautioned statement recorded.

"On January 17, 2023, Kudzayi Kadzere changed his mind. He made a report of assault and theft at Budiriro Police Station. This is despite the fact that he had initially declined to make a police report on the 14th January 2023. The case is now under investigations," Asst Comm Nyathi said.

"It is clear that the information given to CCC members and later posted on social media platforms is tailor made to suit a certain agenda whilst ignoring the real facts on the ground.

"Kudzayi Kadzere knows the truth on what actually transpired between him and the police officers. The Zimbabwe Republic Police has engaged Kudzayi Kadzere from 14th January 2023 up to the time he decided to change his mind. The public should take note that, what Kudzayi Kadzere said to the police and the information which he is allegedly giving to the media, his peers and CCC leadership are not consistent. The Zimbabwe Republic Police reaffirms its readiness to interact and engage members of the legal fraternity in an open and transparent manner without facts being twisted to suit various agendas," Asst Comm Nyathi said.

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