Rwanda Courts Tanzania to Join East African Single Tourist Visa

25 January 2023

Rwanda's envoy to Tanzania, Major General Charles Karamba, on January 24, held discussions with Tanzanian Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Pindi Hazara Chana, about the importance of the East Africa Single Tourist Visa programme.

The East African Single Tourist Visa is an arrangement where a tourist obtains a visa for one of the East African Community (EAC) countries and can use it to travel to the other countries that subscribe to the bloc.

ALSO READ: Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda launch single tourist visa

Currently Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda are using the system, while Tanzania and Burundi are yet to join.

According to a statement from the Rwandan embassy in Tanzania, Karamba was hosted by Chana at her office in Dar es Salaam, the Tanzanian capital, where they mainly talked about promoting the two countries' partnership in the field of tourism.

"The ambassador informed the minister that the main point of his visit was to look together at how Rwanda and Tanzania can partner in the field of tourism; the need to cooperate in facilitating tourist car drivers to cross the borders, as well as expediting the process of addressing the issue of the East African Single Tourist Visa that has persisted for a long time," the statement read.

ALSO READ: Expediting single tourism visa for East Africa vital

With some of the best tourist attractions in Africa including over 17 national parks, 40 reserves and several marine parks, if Tanzania joins the E.A single tourist visa, it will be a key advantage for the rest of the East African countries.

Besides being a joint marketing strategy, the single tourist visa is a key way of promoting the region as a single tourist destination.

During his visit, Karamba also talked to Chana about the need for the two countries to partner in building the capacity of workers employed in the tourism sector.

"The ambassador informed the minister about how Rwanda and Tanzania can cooperate in the field of expos, especially because both countries have some things in common in their cultures," the statement further read.

ALSO READ: How feasible is EAC single tourist visa?

Chana, according to the embassy's statement, promised Karamba that she will closely follow up on the issue of the single tourist visa, so that it will be solved.

"The minister informed the ambassador that she has continued to hear how Rwanda has made strides in promoting tourism based on hosting international meetings and conferences," the statement read, adding that Chana said she wishes to meet with the CEO of Rwanda Development Board (RDB), something that Karamba promised to make happen.

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