Tunisia: Parliamentary Election - Jeunesse SANs Frontières Notes "Serious" Electoral Offences

Tunis/Tunisia — The observers of the association " Jeunesse Sans Frontières " who followed Sunday, January 29, 2023, the voting operations for the election of new members of parliament have noted a low turnout of voters at the beginning of the voting day for the run-off of the legislative elections.

The association's observers also noted what they described as serious violations.

Numbering 329, the observers were present in 1856 voting centers in 12 governorates (Tunis, Ariana, Ben Arous, Manouba, Bizerte, Jendouba, Beja, Nabeul, Sfax, Gabes, Sousse and Medenine).

The observers who said that the ballot started in acceptable conditions, have nevertheless noted the continuation of the election campaign in some voting centers, and attempts to influence voters. The association says in this connection that a chief of polling station in Sousse tried to guide the choice of a voter. In Tunis as in Sfax, voters are influenced by other voters.

Addressing the "serious violations", the association reports that in the governorates of Tunis, Sousse, Sfax and Manouba, observers were prevented from accessing polling stations.

In addition, cases of verbal violence were recorded in front of a voting center in Sousse between journalists and members of the center and between representatives of candidates and presidents of voting centers in Tunis and Ben Arous.

Among other violations, the association cited the failure to display the list of voters in 55 polling stations spread between Sfax, Gabes, Ben Arous, Beja and Bizerte.

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