Zimbabwe: Top CCC Activist Chibaya - Marked Man Claims UK Benefactor - Opposition Flags Worsening Zim Situation Ahead of 2023 Polls

31 January 2023

OPPOSITION Citizens' Coalition for Change (CCC) national organiser Amos Chibaya, is now Zanu PF's new target for persecution following his bold political activism, an apologist has said.

Chibaya was until last Friday languishing in remand prison. He is facing charges of convening an unsanctioned political meeting.

A staunch CCC supporter and benefactor, Mildred Mhlanga told NewZimbabwe.com, Chibaya was a resolute and fearless fighter who instills fear in Zanu PF and its henchmen.

She said it was because of that the Mkoba lawmaker was being targeted in order to stop his work as organiser of CCC. Mhlanga added Chibaya's work could potentially guarantee leader Nelson Chamisa victory in upcoming polls.

"People like Chibaya are real heroes, gallant fighters for freedom in the wake of Zanu PF which is closing democratic space. He is the voice of the voiceless," said the UK-based activist.

"He (Chibaya) is targeted for having private meetings even in the UK, and holding dialogues with UK government officials and CCC members."

Mhlanga recently met Chibaya and his delegation in Birmingham for a fundraiser.

She said the 'New Dispensation' under President Emmerson Mnangagwa's administration wanted the world to believe it it to be a good government, yet it was using archaic laws to silence opposition parties.

Added Mhlanga: "Currently, Mnangagwa and his brutal regime have revitalised laws such as MOPA that replaced POSA to arrest those holding meetings or posting information on social media."

Mhlanga added that some diasporans fear for their lives following an expóse on the existence of a long list of individuals targeted for abduction, persecution or even killing by the "rogue regime."

Zimbabweans living UK have expressed concern over the unabated deteriorating political environment back in their native county.

CCC members, Priscilla Makechemu and Francis Mubani of Oldham in UK, weighed in saying Zanu PF was plotting to eliminate opposition activists so it has unchallenged hegemony.

Said Makechemu, "This is evidenced by the case of Netsai Marova, who was abducted in Zimbabwe and had to claim asylum in a foreign country."

He said many diasporans have resorted to joining WhatsApp groups to stay abreast of the bad situation in Zimbabwe.

Concern has also been raised over the security threats of ordinary folk in political hot spots such as Mutoko where CCC could not field by-election candidates in November due to widespread violence.

Women's rights campaigner, Shamiso Bhobho decried violation of rights of female CCC activists arrested alongside Chibaya.

Heavy presence of Zanu PF informers, Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) and military spies have made life hard for people in the diaspora and back home, she said.

Bhobho added there are heightened fears of a hit list with names of CCC activists such as Shepherd Yuda, Nicholas Mbava from Luton and Blessing Goronga, who have prominent presence on the internet.

Others include Lawrence Tirivangani Manyeza, who fears for himself and brothers Manfred Manyeza and Achford Kudzanayi Manyeza.

CCC Chinhoyi Ward 7 aspiring candidate, Victor Muchavhaira told NewZimbabwe.com Evelyn Chibanda, a staunch party member domiciled in the UK, confirmed she feared for her security and that of her family if she returned home.

He said locally the security situation had worsened.

"The situation, particularly in rural areas, is getting worse and it is very predictable that the aftermath of elections would be a witch-hunt characterised by a bloodbath," said Victor Muchavhaira.

"We live in fear and everyday is a miracle to us for we are being treated as outcast in our motherland, reason being that we support Change Champion in Chief, Advocate Nelson Chamisa."

Muchavhaira, a victim of day light abduction, says Zanu PF had resorted to arbitrary arrests, detention and threats on CCC members, but the regime was going to lose the upcoming polls expected between July and August 2023.

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