Malawi: Court Revokes Gerald Viola's Bail for Failure to Turnup for Judgment

31 January 2023

The Lilongwe Principal Resident Magistrate's Court Monday revoked bail for former National Food Reserve Agency ( NFRA) deputy Chief Executive Officer, Gerald Viola for failing to appear before the court for a judgment delivery.

This means, therefore, that Viola, a former broadcast journalist at the state-owned Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) will now be arrested and be sent to prison while he await his fate when the court will reconvene to deliver its judgment on the matter.

Viola, a former ruling party, DPP's blue-eyed boy, alongside his accomplice, Chrispin Chingola were found with a case to answer in March 2022 on offences under the Corrupt Practices Act and Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act.

Chingola was available at the court on Monday for the proceedings but his lawyer was absent.

But Viola's lawyer Luciano Mickeus told Nation Online that he will contest the court's decision arguing that the defence team was not served with Notice of Delivery of Judgement.

Said Mickeus: " My client is not to blame for not being in court because he waits to hear from me as his lawyer, and I did communicate to him yesterday ( Sunday) that the hearing will not take place. Let ACB produce evidence that the Défense was served."

In an interview with Anti Corruption Bureau ( ACB) chief legal and prosecution officer, Victor Chiwala, the court is expected to set the date for next hearing to deliver the judgement.

According to Chiwala, Viola and his lawyer did not appear before court for reasons known to themselves.

Viola is accused of unilaterally issuing a company called Missies Trading Supply an LPO number 6750 to supply 10, 000 metric tonnes of maize to NFRA.

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