Rwanda: Heroes Day From an Athlete's Perspective

31 January 2023

Rwanda marks the 29th Heroes' Day celebrations on February 1 to honor the struggle of the personalities who exemplified and safeguarded the highest values of patriotism and sacrifice for the wellbeing of the country and its citizens.

Times Sport spoke to a number of athletes from various sports disciplines and shared what they think about heroism and what Heroes Day particularly means to them.

Yvette Cyuzuzo Igihozo, Female volleyball player

Hero's Day means a lot because history tells us that patriotism goes beyond loving ourselves. People are encouraged to love their country in many ways and, as an athlete, you have to give everything you can so that you become an inspiration to the youth whenever you represent your country at international competition.

Today is a brave day to remember the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country because the peace we have today is thanks to them.

Jean Sauveur Ruhamiriza, Basketball referee

Heroes' Day helps me reflect on the lives of Rwandan heroes who sacrificed themselves so that the country and Rwandans can build a united and valuable country.

As sports personalities, it is a good time to think about how we can join forces through sports and work to develop the country. Through sports people communicate, have fun together and build a better future for their life.

Fred Musoni, Volleyball player

Heroes' Day reminds us what heroes would do. It's from them that we learn values of patriotism, unity and striving for the development of the country.

As sportsmen, when this occasion comes, we often play games together, meet and remind each other about the role of sports in uniting people and building the country.

Joselyn Umulisa, Tennis coach

It means a lot to us. The heroes of this country made us who were are today because they dedicated their lives for our wellbeing. For us, they are always an example of sacrifice and love as we look back at how some of them reached an extent of shedding their blood for the nation.

Our responsibility as sports personalities is to always make our country proud and give all we can as we play and as we live our lives even off the playing field. We should strive to leave the country better than how we found it.

Rosine Micomyiza, Female basketball player

Today we remember the heroes who sacrificed themselves so that Rwanda and Rwandans can live well. It reminds us of who we are and thus inspires us to work hard to walk in their footsteps and embrace the culture of heroism.

Olivier Shyaka, Basketball player

Heroes should be an example to us so that we also inspire those who grow looking up to us - our fans and sports enthusiasts at large.

We will work hard to always put Rwanda on top because the heroes paved the way for us.

They showed us that everything is possible as long as you are determined to do it with a good purpose.

Eric Nsabimana, footballer

This day reminds us that there are people who gave their lives to take the country to where it is today.

So we have to keep working hard to develop our country and sports in general.

Henriette Ishimwe, female cricket player

Today reminds us that we can do something for the country, in the respective professions in which we are to make the country better and prosperous.

Steven Hagumintwari, Basketball player

Heroes' Day is important because it reminds us of the various heroes who sacrificed their lives for our country. As athletes, we should have such a heart and dedication as we represent our nation in the games we play.

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