Angola Participates in Geneva Engage Awards

Geneva — The Permanent Mission of Angola to the UN in Geneva participated on Wednesday in the 8th Geneva Engage Awards ceremony held at the headquarters of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

The annual "Geneva Engage Awards" recognizes Geneva's international players in their media outreach and online engagement.

The event traditionally looks at the media engagement of Geneva-based organizations and the relevance of the Internet in Geneva.

This year, ten international organizations were recognized for their links with each other and other international players in Geneva, as well as their mentions and interactions with the media.

According to a note of the Angolan Permanent Representation to the UN, in Geneva sent to ANGOP, the award contemplated three categories, namely International Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, Associations and the Permanent Representations at the UN, in Geneva.

A new award was also introduced that has to do with internet accessibility to recognize the efforts for the improvement of the performance in terms of website accessibility.

The winners

The distinctions for the winners of the "8th Geneva Engage Award" in the International Organizations category were awarded to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

In the Non-Governmental Organizations category, the podium was taken by the World Council of Churches, the NGO New Humanitarian and the World Organization of the Scout Movement.

In the Permanent Representations category the winners were the Permanent Mission of the United States of America to the United Nations Office at Geneva, the Permanent Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations Office at Geneva and the Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations Office at Geneva.

In terms of Effective and Innovative Online Meetings the winner was the World Meteorological Organization and for the accessibility prize an image of the International AIDS Society logo was the winner.

The methodology used by the promoters was based on the analysis of the media reach for the 8th edition of the Prize which ran from January 1 to 31 December 2022.

The evaluation of the participants was measured according to the groups of indicators of dissemination and accessibility of twitter accounts, number of followers, number of posts, growth of followers compared to the previous year, growth related to posts published on twitter compared to the previous year, the new twitter engagement index based on the average number of likes and tweets, the new connections between Geneva-based actors taking into account retweets and mentions on Facebook.

The Geneva Engage initiative was launched by the Geneva Internet Platform (GIP) in 2016 with the support of the Republic and Canton of Geneva, and DiploFoundation, and has contributed to assessing the interaction between Geneva International and stakeholders around the world who are impacted by the policies discussed and negotiated in Geneva.

The annual Geneva Engage Awards aim to recognize the efforts of Geneva International stakeholders in the dissemination and engagement of social media, contributing to improved efficiency and effectiveness in the use of information and communication technologies.

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