Angola: Mozambican Parliament Speaker Visits Angola

Luanda — Mozambique Parliament Speaker, Esperança Laurinda Francisco Nhiuane Bias, starts Thursday an official six-day visit to Angola, ANGOP has learnt.

The working programme includes a visit to the coastal Benguela Province and a meeting with her Angolan counterpart, Carolina Cerqueira.

In Benguela, the delegation is scheduled to visit the Local Office of Support to the Provincial Electoral Constituency, meet with the provincial governor, Luís Nunes, and visit infra-structures and socio-economic projects.

The agenda also includes the signing of a new cooperation protocol between the National Assembly (Angolan parliament) and the Assembly of the Republic of Mozambique, signed for the first time on November 27, 2003, as well as meetings with the chairpersons of the specialised working parliamentary committees to exchange experiences, as well as meet with the leaders of the political parties represented in the National Assembly.

A meeting is also planned with the Association of Women in Legal Careers, guided visits to historical and cultural sites in the Angolan capital.

Esperança Bias also has a meeting planned with the Mozambican community in Angola.

The Mozambican delegation is composed of 14 members, with highlight to the parliamentary whips of FRELIMO, Sérgio Parmtie, RENAMO's Viana Magalhães, and the MDM, Lutero Simamgo.

This is the first official visit of the Mozambique parliament speaker to Angola after being appointed on January 13, 2020.

Esperança Bias has been an MP since 2015, having been deputy chairwoman and afterwards chairwoman of the Planning and Budget Committee.

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