Zimbabwe: Tanzania Lauds Zim's Political Maturity

3 February 2023

Mukudzei Chingwere in DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania

Tanzania has heaped praises on Zimbabwe for its political maturity under the Second Republic that has seen Government extending an olive branch and providing a platform for co-existence with opposition political parties.

The praise came from Tanzanian Vice President Dr Phillip Mpango at a meeting with Vice President Dr Constantino Chiwenga where the former called for an end to illegal sanctions imposed on the country.

The two Vice Presidents met here on the sidelines of the Political Launch of the Global Alliance to end HIV/AIDS in children by 2030.

Their meeting sought to provide and reinvigorate a platform of economic corporation and trade between the two countries. VP Mpango said Tanzania had noted the political maturity being exhibited by Zimbabwe under the Second Republic, especially as it related to the platform of the Political Leaders Actors Dialogue (POLAD), which had bridged the gap between Government and opposition political parties.

VP Mpango told VP Chiwenga that Tanzania's position on the need to urgently and unconditionally lift sanctions on Zimbabwe remained unchanged.

With Zimbabwe on the road to rejoining the Commonwealth, VP Mpango told his counterpart that Tanzania would make a case for Zimbabwe's readmission.

"You indeed asked us to take a leading role for our brothers in Zimbabwe to join the Commonwealth. I can promise we will do our part," said VP Mpango. "I hear (about) the political situation in Zimbabwe, that is very good. I want to congratulate you. We are almost doing along the same lines.

"We must try to minimise tensions, rather use our diversity as a strength. I wish you well. When I see leaders of opposition parties sharing with us, coming to participate in national events, that is a sign of political maturity. We look forward to observe your elections.

"On the sanctions, our position is very clear. We remain committed to continued pushing for the lifting of the illegal sanctions against Zimbabwe. You are aware we have been championing for the lifting of sanctions, they are unnecessary.

"Remember, it was here in Dar es Salaam, actually in this very conference that as SADC members we called for the lifting of sanctions against our brother Zimbabwe, and that remains the same position. Our motive is to continue strengthening our brotherly relations. The next step is economic and trade relations with Zimbabwe. On trade and investment, there is room to improve. I think we need to improve the trade on our own as Africans. The current figures are not good.

"Congratulations to Zimbabwe on the key steps you are taking to improve your economy."

On trade and economic cooperation, the two Vice Presidents dwelled on the Zimbabwe-Tanzania Joint Permanent Corporation (JPCC) last sat in 2019 and agreed to have the nineth session of the same at the earliest possible with a view to step up collaboration.

To this end, an impressed VP Mpango immediately tasked his team to speed up the holding of the ninth session of the Zimbabwe-Tanzania JPCC.

VP Chiwenga briefed his counterpart on several capital projects Zimbabwe has undertaken under the leadership of President Mnangagwa who has made it a point that Zimbabwe needs to step up economic development towards the attainment of an upper middle income economy by 2030.

"Zimbabwe is grateful for the long-standing cordial bilateral relations that exist between Zimbabwe and Tanzania, which date back to the days of Zimbabwe's war of liberation," said VP Chiwenga.

"We will forever remain indebted to the United Republic of Tanzania for the sacrifices and support given to us during this difficult period in our history. I am delighted with the close cooperation between our two countries in various strategic sectors, including finance, mining, agriculture, media and communications, and defence and security.

"We, however, need to urgently convene the now overdue 9th Session of the Joint Permanent Commission on Cooperation (JPCC) since our last meeting which was held in 2019 in Zimbabwe.

"This enables us to keep track of cooperation between our two countries as well as iron out any areas that enhance cooperation between our two peoples.

"Zimbabwe eagerly awaits to participate in the Mid-Term Review Meeting to be convened by the United Republic of Tanzania. We also need to explore ways to broaden the scope of our cooperation thereby increasing levels of trade and reciprocal investment between the two countries.

"As members of the African Continental Free Trade Area we need to work together to fully exploit the great potential that exists between Zimbabwe and Tanzania in the economic sphere. As you may be aware, Zimbabwe will this year hold its harmonised elections. Preparations for these elections have begun in earnest and as is the norm we shall invite Tanzania and the world to observe our elections."

VP Chiwenga briefed his counterpart about a raft of political reforms introduced since the coming in of President Mnangagwa in 2017 like repealing and replacing some perceived repressive pieces of legislation that include the Public Order and Security Act (POSA), as well as the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

VP Chiwenga said Government had completed constituting all Chapter 12 commissions, such as the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission, Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission, the Zimbabwe Media Commission and the Zimbabwe Gender Commission.

Zimbabwe and Tanzania enjoy excellent relations dating back to the liberation struggle where the east African country played a crucial role towards the liberation war by providing logistical and material support to Zimbabwe's freedom fighters and rare bases for training.

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