Kenya: Nothing Political in Recalling Uhuru's Security, It's Normal Changes - IG Koome

3 February 2023

Nairobi — Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome has dismissed claims that the decision to scale down the security of former President Uhuru Kenyatta and his immediate and extended family is not political.

Koome told journalists in Mombasa that he recalled the head of Uhuru's security who held the rank of Assistant Inspector General and replaced him with an officer of a lower rank for operational and command reasons.

"Let us not say that the officers have been withdrawn, these are just changes that are bound to happen in the structure of the police service as guided by the regulations and the police standing orders," he said, "Those other units whether protecting the deputy president, the retired president, must be of lower rank for command-and-control purposes. The officers who are there, I have recalled them to be given command and responsibility commensurate with their rank."

Koome confirmed that General Service Unit officers attached to Kenyatta and members of his immediate family, including his mother Mama Ngina were recalled and only a few left.

"She has her security and we secure her premises. Not just of the former first lady, but also even of the other former presidents, because we respect those offices. That is the position, therefore, let us not speculate," he said.

The Inspector General also dismissed claims that the decision to downgrade the security of former Head of State and the cabinet secretaries who served under him was driven by politics.

"There is no politics at play when it comes to the security of VIPs. We are a responsible police service and we would not like to be dragged into politics because we are an independent office."

I'm available if any of the senior leaders have any issues, whatever has been done is in good faith," Koome said.

Officials said Kenyatta's security detail had been reduced to 6 officers just five months after handing over to his estranged deputy William Ruto who won the presidential election, defeating long-time Opposition chief Raila Odinga who enjoyed the establishment's backing.

The Presidential Benefits Act states that a retired president is entitled to six security guards and adequate security at their urban and rural residences, which will be approved by the Cabinet Secretary for Interior and National Administration.

However, the law was amended in 2013 removing the maximum limit, providing that the deployment of security personnel would be certified by the minister in charge of national security in consultation with the retired president.

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