Kenya: IG Koome Says Changes in Ex-President Kenyatta Security Detail Normal

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta on a state visit to South Africa, November 23, 2021 (file photo).
3 February 2023

Mombasa — The Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome on Friday morning confirmed that he effected changes in the security detail of former President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Koome said the officers that commander the presidential security formation is always of the rank of the Assistant Inspector General of Police, according to National Police Service Standing Orders.

He said the commander of the security detail of the former and retired president is of the rank of the Superintendent of the Police.

Therefore, Koome said, the officer who was in charge of former President Uhuru security detail, had been recalled to be assigned different duties.

A new officer of the rank of Superintendent of Police has been deployed to lead former President Uhuru security detail.

"Let us not say that the officers have been withdrawn, these are just changes that are bound to happen in the structure of the police service as guided by the regulations and the police standing orders."

The IG however did not diverge more details on how many officers have been assigned to guard former President Uhuru, saying that his security is guaranteed.

On the reports that security for former First Lady Mama Ngina Kenyatta being withdrawn, Koome said that she is still being guarded.

"She has her security and w secure her premises. Not just of the former first lady, but also even of the other former presidents, because we respect those offices. That is the position, therefore, let us not speculate," he said.

He confirmed that the former Cabinet Secretaries Security details had also been scaled down.

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