Zimbabwe: Kwekwe - Zanu-PF Vows to Bar CCC MP From Addressing Gatherings, Including Funerals

6 February 2023

ZANU PF has vowed to block opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) legislator for Kwekwe, Judith Tobaiwa, from making any public addresses in the city, including at funerals.

This was said by the ruling party's administrative head for Kwekwe District, Jacob Chokururama while addressing a recent inter-district meeting in the Midlands city.

Chokururama said opposition supporters were enjoying unfettered freedom in Kwekwe "and it must not be tolerated".

"We have shadow MPS and Councillors in our city give them an opportunity to address," he said. Don't allow her (Tobaiwa) to address even at funerals. Why are you giving her that opportunity to address?"

Considered President Emmerson Mnangagwa's home town, Zanu PF has failed to win elections in Kwekwe central, repeatedly losing to the opposition over the past few general elections.

Chokururama challenged party activists to reverse the trend in crunch elections due later this year.

"As Kwekwe Central we must look into the issue. Let us vote in such a way which will make our President sleep peacefully," he said.

"Let us vote in such a manner which will perpetuate Zanu PF rule. In Judith Tobaiwa we don't have an MP. This time around let us go back to the basics and vote for the party. We don't want a repeat of what happened."

Chokururama also complained that the opposition was being given "too much freedom" in the city.

"If we give people freedom they tend to forget where we came from. How do we pay homage, to those long departed whose remains are scattered in Zambia and Mozambique? It's by voting for Zanu PF.

"Everyone is now a political commissar, go and campaign for Zanu PF to win. We mustn't label each other or finger pointing. We mustn't fight against each other. Let's be united."

He continued; "We mustn't be given a headache by a party without structures. It's someone's personal company not a party.

"They brought sanctions so that we will fight amongst ourselves. Chamisa's party doesn't even have its own constitution. This time around we are reclaiming our seat."

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