Tanzania: Musoma Villagers Support Education Initiative

RESIDENTS of Nyamrandirira Ward in Musoma Rural District are making concerted efforts to improve delivery of quality education by setting up key education infrastructures, with a helping hand from the government.

In continuation of public engagement in improvement of education infrastructures, Musoma Rural Member of Parliament, Professor Sospeter Muhungo organised a fundraiser for construction of three laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and Biology subjects for Seka Secondary School in an effort to improve students' performance in the science subjects.

Seka Secondary School, located at Nyamrandirira Ward, was opened on July 5, 2021 and so far it accommodates 344 students from Form I to Form III. The school has nine teachers, one of them teaching voluntarily.

Speaking about the fundraising event, Prof Muhongo noted that the school still needs some key structures, including an administration block and additional seven-hole toilet.

During the event held at the school's grounds, the villagers set June 30, 2023 as the deadline for the completion of the labs project and agreed to provide a labour force during the implementation of the project and that each household will donate 15,000/- for the undertaking.

The lawmaker donated 150 bags of cement, seven boxes of books for the school's library and four bags of maize for students' meal.

The management of Seka Secondary School requested for a computer, printer and photocopy machines, of which the MP and Nyamrandirira residents pledged to provide by April 30, this year.

The school was constructed through joint efforts by the residents of five villages which make the Nyamrandirira Ward, whereas Seka villagers built three classrooms and bought school furniture, while Kasoma villagers built two classrooms.

Mkuyu and Kaboni villages constructed two classrooms while Chumwi built one classroom and teachers' toilets. A sum of 2.8m/- was donated by people from the ward.

The government, at different occasions, donated a total of 165m/-, laboratory equipment and since October, 2022 it has been granting 891,436/- monthly to cover school running costs.

Prof Muhongo donated 200 cement bags, 120 iron sheets, while the Constituency Development Fund donated 330 bags of cement, 137 iron sheets and 17 iron bars.

Prof Muhongo, on behalf of Nyamrandirira Ward dwellers, expressed gratitude to President Samia Suluhu Hassan and the government for improving education initiatives in Musoma Rural.

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