Tanzania: Ruling Party Boasts of Massive Achievements

THE ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party has recorded tremendous achievements in its 46 years of existence with implementation of President Samia Suluhu Hassan's 4R (Reconciliation, Resilience, Reform and Rebuild) strategy.

The party Deputy Secretary General, Ms Christina Mndeme, said recently that the strategy has acted as strong pillars for upholding and strengthening multiparty democracy, political stability, peace and unity and in turn brought socio-economic development of the country.

"The President's move to meet with leaders of the various opposition political parties, officiate a conference on reconciliation, justice and peace organised by the Tanzania Centre for Democracy (TCD) and formation of the political reform taskforce in bringing national reconciliation are among the major milestones recorded by CCM," said Ms Mndeme

As for the Zanzibar side, she noted that, immediately after the general election in 2020, the President of Zanzibar and chairman of the Revolutionary Council, Dr Hussein Mwinyi formed a Government of National Unity with Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT-Wazalendo) Party.

Similarly, Dr Mwinyi established a taskforce to collect views from democracy stakeholders and opposition political parties, indicating that the special team has already presented

its report.

Besides, the party has continued to advise the government in dealing with various challenges facing the people, including lowering fuel prices in curbing the global fluctuation of oil prices in the markets as well as issuance of farm inputs subsidies to reduce costs for farmers and in turn increasing their household's incomes.

Expounding further, she said the party embarked on major efforts to end water woes

through the execution of projects in both the rural and urban settings.

Singling out school fees waiver from primary to secondary education in enabling more children to get access to education, Ms Mndeme, noted that the government has also succeeded in scraping all nuisance contributions, citing taxing parents and guardians to buy the school desks.

Her list also included reducing fines for motorcycle riders who commit traffic offences from the previous 50,000/- to 10,000/- as well as improving settlements for the Ngorongoro dwellers by shifting them to Msomera village in Handeni District, where they are currently living a decent life.

On securing markets for hawkers famously known as 'Machinga', she added that the government has done a lot, let alone addressing land disputes in the country.

Others were cited as great improvements in political,ideological, research, strengthening the media freedom with the intention of improving development in the country.

Her list also had project executions in the health sector, education, rural and urban electrification, blue economy, empowerment of people economically and infrastructure development, including the transport sector, defence and security and international relations.

She pointed out that party leaders have been touring the project areas to carry out inspection of their development.

Among other areas which have recorded achievements include Covid-19 pandemic, security and defence, international relations and regional integration.

The Deputy Secretary General also hinted on the goals of the party including activities of the party to promote economic independence as well as financial guidelines of the party and its various wings.

She, however, noted CCM policies pertaining to projects and investment of 2021, a policy on financial independence of 2014 and the party's budgetary guidelines.

Likewise, the establishment of the finance and planning unit, projects' management unit and investment unit, formed part of the successes realised in the period.

Similarly, to increase the number of experts in areas including finance, account and project development at the level of the CCM headquarters, regional and district offices.

Additional efforts were put in the supervision of companies belonging to the party and its wings to reach its goals as well as issuance of dividend.

Also, the implementation of policies and manifesto by the two governments and upholding good relations with friendly parties and revolutionists among others were mentioned.

Lastly, the goals of the party and its various wings include supervising the performance of leaders and ethics for its members, to evaluate the polls systems, appointment system

and process for obtaining contestants for special seats parliamentarians and councillors posts.

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