Tanzania: CCM - Its Mission and Contribution As It Celebrates 46th Anniversary

CCM, founded in 1977, next week will celebrate 46 years of its being and governing the country.

These forty-six years have been a period of dramatic change immense productive forces unleashed, social transformation unprecedented in scale, and huge advances in Tanzania's development.

These forty-six years have also witnessed a profound and transformative change in Tanzania's political maturity. And it is the CCM that has made this possible.

As a memorable CCM day and a memorable day for prosperous Tanzanians-loving voters is a happy day, a day to commemorate the government achievements under the leadership of CCM, a party that in my view despite the challenges it faces as a political party continues to work to serve all Tanzanians regardless of their background, gender, religion, or tribes for development of this Nation.

While there could be diverse views and debate's on the important role of political parties in the development and in particular ensuring political party in power strictly supervise the government, they lead I am of the view that a strong party the like of CCM, with years of experience in power with its vibrant in-house machinery to manage tough national issues of interest as they crop up, stretches the constituencies to which policymakers in the government respond and support politicians to solve voters problems to ensure better economic management, public services delivery and importantly maintain an environment that allows peace and security stability to thrive that, in turn, enhances economic growth.

This year's birthday like earlier ones is being celebrated at the time CCM has always been not only about its voters but also about the people of Tanzania. When I examine its involvement and its administration style and approach in addition to its leadership composition panache from the top to the bottom, unquestionably it was formed to give the ordinary people a voice and has through elections been pursuing to remain in power to advance people's lives.

Many out there may be displeasure or question the achievement Tanzania has attained to date under the CCM, but the truth remains that the fruits of party's work have when compared to our neighbours within the East Africa Community (EAC) and within the SADC region changed Tanzania for the better, through the most progressive governments in our country's history.

For the entire nation, regardless of minor challenges that keep a party alive is a proud history, with immeasurable achievements that include free primary education that I do believe is going to be a game changer to families across our country. The CCM was created in 1977 following the merger TANU and ASP: a new party for Tanzania and in the Isles of Zanzibar.

Gently but surely, the CCM grew. The first multi-party election campaign in 1995 saw sizeable MPs elected to Parliament and together they stood for the CCM values, and vision that since then continued to be in power because its value, mission and vision are well-defined.

That early growth continued, with more MPs elected in the years to follow, leaving the CCM well placed to challenge for power by the time of the 1995 election. It was this election which saw the CCM- government leaders in our country's history with Benjamin Mkapa (the late) as the Party's first president after the re-introduction of multiparty politics.

The election of 1995 and those that followed thereafter began the wilderness years of opposition parties. Under Benjamin Mkapa and thereafter his successors, the party began a period of contemplation and ultimately renewal to further democratise the people's party.

The improvements introduced in this era in my view, a revitalised policy programme built on CCM values together with modernised party machinery led to the landslide in the most general elections thereafter.

In power as a ruling political party, the CCM in my view is putting into practice its values of equality and social justice and legislating for equality of opportunity for all Tanzanians.

As the CCM celebrates its 46th birthday day at the time its Chairpersonship is under Dr Samia Suluhu Hassan who came in during the global coronavirus pandemic and Tanzanian's sharpest economic challenges, like any other nation grappling with effects caused by Covid-19 effects and now the on-going war between Russia and Ukraine. Dr Samia continues to lead the party to reach out to voters and hear their concerns during these global geopolitical challenges times.

Although CCM achievement may be viewed differently by others, it is enough to argue openly that CCM-led governments have delivered some of Tanzania's proudest social, economic, and political accomplishments that cannot be disputed.

As I pen down my reflection on how the CCM has done in its forty-six years, one important message that echoes my thinking is that the founding of the party was an epoch-making outcome that profoundly changed the course of country's history.

During its endeavours over the past 46 years, CCM has developed a great spirit aimed at uniting Tanzanians and carried it forward upholding truth and ideals, remaining true to its founding mission, defending what the party believes without fear, and importantly endeavouring day and night to meet the Tanzania people's expectations.

The CCM has taken and continues to take sound development as its top priority in governance. It has unleashed and developed the productive forces to meet people's expectations for a better life for Tanzanians.


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