Tanzania: CCM Heightens Intra Party Democracy As It Turns 46

Mwanza — CHAMA Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Parents' Wing members have described the development of intra-party democracy as the key achievement to count as the party marks its 46 years anniversary.

They said that CCM has been conducting free and fair intra party elections, with the aim of getting credible and visionary leaders who can take the party and the country forward.

The members said that CCM has been striving to meet citizens' expectations by ensuring execution of the party's manifesto that seeks to improve social services such as provision of quality education, improving infrastructure such as roads, railways, airport as well as electrifying the country.

A Parent Wing member, Mr Ally Mandai, noted that the CCM intraparty political atmosphere has been open since 1977 when the party was formed for every well minded member to take the helm of the party.

Mr Mandai who is also the National Executive Committee (NEC) member, who was the guest of honour at the commemoration of the CCM's 46th anniversary marked at regional level by the parent wing in Magu District cited the peaceful transition of the party top leaders from the first phase government to the current government administration led by Dr Samia Suluhu Hassan as a sign of the party's respect to democracy.

"CCM is rooted to democracy unlike other parties within our country, whose top leaders have stayed on the positions for a long time ... democracy should start within the party from the grassroots level to the national level" Mr Mandai remarked.

He urged all CCM members to strengthen unity and solidarity after the intraparty elections conducted last year which were competitive especially in all party wings including Youth Wing (UVCCM), Women (UWT) and the Parents.

According to him the elections somehow caused divisions among the members noting that since the exercise has been completed members should now focus on building the party and the country in general.

He further commended President Samia's bold decision of lifting ban on political rallies a move that will strengthen multiparty democracy in the country.

The President urged political parties to give positive criticism that will build the nation not personal attacks, he said. According to Mr Mandai the rallies will enhance freedom of expression and press freedom.

Mwanza CCM Regional Parent Wing Chairman, Mr Mohammed Lukonge pledged to use the rallies to explain to the public what the party has done so far in its 46 years.

Magu District CCM Parent Wing Chairman, Mr Enos Kalambo commended the government for allocating over 800m/- every month in Magu District to implement free education policy that has increased students enrolment countrywide.

Speaking during the 10th CCM National Congress in Dodoma in December last year, CCM Secretary General, Mr Daniel Chongolo said that a total of 2,104,261 Chama Cha Mapinduzi members have turned out to vie for various positions during the intra party elections.

He said the party is proud of the big number of members who showed interest to vie for various posts from the grassroots to the national level in the intra- party elections, which started in February this year.

According to Mr Chongolo a total of 1,213,018 members showed interest to vie for various posts within the party and its wings at the grassroots, while 674,624 members contested for various leadership positions at branch levels through its wings.

Elaborating, he noted that a total of 187,873 members showed interest to vie for leadership posts at ward levels in Mainland and Zanzibar, while 24,439 members vied for posts at the district helms.

Adding: "At regional level a total of 1,568 members turned out to vie for youths, women and parents wings positions. At the national level, a total of 2,739 members applied for leadership posts."

Equally, the CCM Secretary General said that CCM is holding its National Congress, when the country is marking 30 years since the introduction of multiparty system on July 1, 1992.

He noted that currently the country has 19 political parties with permanent registrations.

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