Mozambique: Pilot Registration: Small Problems in Matutuine and Moamba

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The pilot voter registration is continuing to run without upsets. With correspondents in six of the nine districts, the Bulletin has observed that the equipment used in the past elections is still fully functional, with just some minor problems.

The pilot registration is voluntary. It is not the real registration, and it seeks to test the equipment from the previous elections (2018/2019) that will be used in the full voter registration in April. Our correspondents report a high turnout of people volunteering to test the equipment.

The pilot registration continues to face no serious trouble. On Thursday only one breakdown was reported in one of the printers in Matutuine but it was promptly repaired. In Moamba the computer again rejected one of the voters.

On the first day, the same computer of the Pessene brigade had been unable to take photographs of two voters. They were both asked to return the following day. On that day, last Thursday, the two voters returned to the same registration post. One succeeded in registering, but the second did not, because the machine was still unable to take his photograph.

The Matutuine breakdown occurred with the printer of the mobile brigade of the Madjuva EPC, on the second day of the registration. The printer stopped printing. According to Adrate Uetimane, the STAE district director in Matutuine, the problem has already been solved. On Friday 119 voters were registered.

In Matutuine, the pilot registration is being held in Manguazine EP1 and in the Madjuva EPC. The brigades will be moved this week to other places. The Madjuva brigade will register voters in Salamanga.

In Magude, the third district in Maputo province where the pilot registration is taking place, there have been no problems reported at all.

In Nampula, all the registration posts have not recorded any problems. In Mogovolas, the brigades located in the Namitil-Sede Secondary School and in the Nahupo-Rio primary school, in the same post, are recording a high turnout of voters.

The same is true in Meconta, in the Namialo brigade. In Murrupula, our correspondents have visited the two registration posts in the district capital and in Cazuzo. So far there have been no upsets. There are reports of long queues of voters, some of whom mark their place in the queue the previous day, and then come back to register on the following day.

Today, Monday, is the sixth day of the registration which is due to end on 20 February.

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