Angola Outlines New Strategic Partnership Framework With Spain

Luanda — Angolan Head of State João Lourenço said Tuesday in Luanda that there is a need to draw up a new framework of strategic priorities between Angola and Spain, aimed to boost partnerships and benefits from bilateral relationship.

The Angolan statesman was speaking at the award ceremony of the highest Angolan distinction: the Agostinho Neto Order, to King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia Ortiz.

The president characterised the fact as a sign of recognition and contribution to strengthening relations of friendship and growing economic cooperation between the two countries.

João Lourenço admitted the possibility of drawing up a new framework of strategic priorities between Angola and Spain for a greater benefit of the bilateral relationship, which was reinforced with the signing on Tuesday in Luanda of three important legal instruments.

He noted that the visit to Angola by King Felipe VI of Spain, takes the two countries' relations to the highest level, which are being built in a stronger and consistent way through regular interaction among the entities of different levels of the two States.

According to the Angolan statesman, this fact promotes the levels of excellence in the relations between the two countries.

He said he was pleased with strengthening of cooperation in the business field in recent decades, with the increased presence of Spanish companies in the

Angolan market.

He stressed the concrete and very important achievements carried out by Spanish entrepreneurs who significantly contributed to the development of Angola".

He highlighted, in this chapter, the investment that made possible the construction of the International University of Kwanza in the province of Bié, " for training young Angolans with the necessary quality to contribute to the effort of economic and social development of Angola,

Angola with resources available for Spanish entrepreneurs

The Angolan Head of State stressed that the country has an enormous potential of varied resources that are available to Spanish entrepreneurs interested in doing business in Angola, similarly to what has been happening with investors from other parts of the world, "who did not want to miss out the opportunities that Angola offers in this context of a better business environment".

EU Presidency

Spain will assume, in the second half of this year, the rotating presidency of the European Union (EU).

President João Lourenço, therefore, encouraged this country on the Iberian peninsula to include issues relating to the support and financing of African economies on the agenda of the priorities of his mandate, "which lack the resources to overcome and overcome the persistent difficulties we face , many of which are aggravated by the consequences resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic".

Bilateral relations between Angola and the Kingdom of Spain are based on the General Cooperation Agreement, signed on May 20, 1987, and the Complementary Agreement to the General Agreement signed in November 1987.

Cooperation between the two countries has intensified in the business sector, with the presence of Spanish companies in Angola.

Spain has more than 60 companies operating in Angola in different sectors, such as Energy, Banking, Construction and Agriculture.

In September 2021, the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, made a state visit to the Kingdom of Spain, during which he had a meeting, at the Palace of Zarzuela, with King Felipe VI.

The two statesmen addressed, on the occasion, issues related to bilateral cooperation, which Luanda and Madrid want to see expanded.

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